Bundle Management


A basic bundle.json file needs to be enriched by bundle dependencies to implement more complex features. Bundle names and version numbers should be defined in the dependencies field of bundle.json.

    "name": "my-bundle",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "dependencies": {
        "net": "1.0.0"

In this example, my-bundle depends on net 1.0.0. After you globally install the hpm-cli tool, run the following command to obtain bundle dependencies from the remote repository:

hpm install 

Bundle dependencies are then stored in the ohos_bundles folder in the root directory of the current bundle. A tree structure illustrating the bundle and its dependencies will be generated. You need to run the following command in the root directory of the bundle:

username@server MINGW64 /f/showcase/demo/demo
$ hpm list
| +--@huawei/media@1.0.2
| +--@demo/sport_hi3518ev300_liteos_a@1.0.0
| | +--@demo/app@4.0.1
| | | +--@demo/build@4.0.1
| | | +--@demo/arm_harmonyeabi_gcc@4.0.0
| | +--@demo/liteos_a@4.0.0
| | | +--@demo/third_party_fatfs@4.0.0
| | | +--@demo/arm_harmonyeabi_gcc@4.0.0
| | +--@demo/init@4.0.0
| | +--@demo/dist_tools@4.0.0

Alternatively, you can view the dependencies of the current bundle in a graph by running the following command:

hpm dependencies

A deps_visual folder is generated in the current directory. The folder contains the deps.html and deps-data.js files. After you open the deps.html file via a browser, you can view bundle dependencies illustrated by a graph, as shown in the following figure.

Each dependency type is indicated by a different color at the corresponding node. You can move the mouse pointer to a node to view the implied information.

Figure 1 Bundle dependencies

HPM Command Reference

You can use the hpm-cli tool to manage the lifecycle of a bundle. The following table describes available HPM commands. (You can run the hpm -h command to get the command details).

Table 1 HPM commands




Querying version information

hpm -V or hpm --version

Queries the hpm-cli version number.

Querying help information

hpm -h or hpm --version

Queries the command list and help information.

hpm -h

Queries command reference.

Creating a project

hpm init bundle

Creates a bundle project.

hpm init -t template

Creates a scaffolding project based on the template.

Installing bundles

hpm install or hpm i

Installs dependent bundles in the bundle.json file.

hpm install bundle@version

Installs bundles of a specified version.

Uninstalling bundles

hpm uninstall bundle

Removes dependent bundles.

hpm remove or hpm rm bundlename

Removes dependent bundles.

Viewing information

hpm list or hpm ls

Displays the bundle tree of available bundles and distributions.

hpm dependencies

Generates the dependency diagram (in HTML format) of available bundles and distributions.

Searching for bundles

hpm search name

Searches for bundles. --json is used to specify the search result in JSON format, and -type is used to set the target type, which can be bundle, distribution, or code-segment.

Setting HPM configuration items

hpm config set key value

Sets configuration items, such as the server address and network proxy.

hpm config delete key

Deletes configurations.

Updating bundle versions

hpm update

Updates the versions of dependent bundles.

hpm check-update

Checks whether version updates are available to dependent bundles.


hpm build

Builds a bundle or distribution.

hpm dist

Packs a distribution, depending on the dist script in scripts of bundle.json.


hpm pack

Packs dependencies of local bundles.


hpm run flash

Burns the firmware, depending on the flash script in scripts of bundle.json.


hpm publish

Publishes a bundle, which must be unique in the repository and has a unique version. (An account is required for login.)

Running extended commands

hpm run

Runs the commands in scripts defined in bundle.json. Multiple commands can be executed in batches by using &&.

Generating a key

hpm gen-keys

Generates a public-private key pair and configures the public key on the hpm server, achieving password-free hpm-cli login for bundle publishing.

Generating third-party open source notice

hpm gen-notice

Generates a joint file describing the notice on third-party open source based on the description of each bundle.