
Task Description

This document is intended for novices at developing OpenHarmony apps. You will learn the development procedure from the following sections to build two pages and implement redirection from the first page to the second one. The following figure shows how the pages look on the Previewer.

For best results, use the latest version of DevEco Studio. Click here if you want to download the latest DevEco Studio.

If your DevEco Studio is V2.2 Beta1 or later, you can also use HarmonyOS low-code development to visualize your development with a variety of UI editing features. HarmonyOS low-code development allows you to build your UI in compliance with the HarmonyOS JavaScript development specifications more efficiently and cost-effectively.

Before You Start

  1. Configure the OpenHarmony SDK.

  2. Create a project by referring to Creating and Running a Hello World Project. Select Phone as the device type.

    • If you are using the JavaScript language, select Empty Ability(JS) for Template.
  3. Use the previewer or phone emulator to run the project.

Now you have created your first OpenHarmony project. You can continue the development by referring to Getting Started with JavaScript.