Development Example

This following uses the Hi3861 platform as an example to describe how to install, compile, and package components by using HPM.

  1. Run the following commands to initialize the installation directory (whose name can be customized):

    mkdir test3861
    cd test3861
    hpm init -t dist

    If the following information is displayed, the initialization is successful:

    Initialization finished.
  2. Run the following command to install the wifi_iot distribution:

    hpm install @ohos/wifi_iot

    If the following information is displayed, the installation is successful:


    NOTE: Run the following command for the Hi3516 platform:

    hpm install @ohos/ip_camera_hi3516dv300

    Run the following command for the Hi3518 platform:

    hpm install @ohos/ip_camera_hi3518ev300
  3. Run the following command to build and package components:

    hpm dist

    If the building is successful, the following information is displayed:

    {{name}}: distribution building completed.
  4. Check the result in the ./out directory. You can burn the distribution into the corresponding development board for testing.