
Linux Server

Prepare a 64-bit Linux server running Ubuntu 16.04 or later. HPM supports Windows Server, but the open-source Hi3861, Hi3516, and Hi3518 solutions support only Ubuntu.

Configure Ubuntu to use bash as the Linux system shell, by performing the following:

ls -l $(which sh)
# If the file does not point to bash, modify the file using either of the provided methods.
# Method 1: Run the following command and select no:
dpkg-reconfigure dash
# Method 2: Run the following commands to delete /bin/sh and then create a new symbolic link to bash:
rm -f /bin/sh
ln -s bash /bin/sh


You are advised to install Node.js 12.x (including npm 6.14.4) or a later version (12.13.0 or later is recommended).

sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm

Run the following commands to view Node.js and NPM versions:

node --version  # Check the Node.js version.
npm --version   # Check the NPM version.

Note: If the Node.js version of the source is outdated, run the following command before running apt-get install:

curl -L | bash


Install the hpm-cli command line tool by using the NPM (default source: provided by the Node.js.

npm install -g @ohos/hpm-cli

After hpm-cli is installed, run the following command to view default HPM configurations:

hpm config

You can modify the default configurations as required. The following lists common HPM configurations:

registry =              # Register with the HPM registration center. This is mandatory for downloading components.
strictSsl = true                                  # Enable strict SSL verification as HTTPS is used for connection.
http_proxy = http://your-proxy-server:port        # Configure the HTTP proxy.
https_proxy = http://your-proxy-server:port       # Configure the HTTPS proxy.

For details about hpm-cli commands, see HPM Commands.

Python Environment

Run the following commands to install Python later than 3.7:

sudo apt-get install python3.8
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install setuptools
sudo pip3 install kconfiglib  # Install kconfiglib 13.2.0 or later.

NOTE: The preceding method is applicable to Hi3518 and Hi3516 platforms. For Hi3861, run the following commands to install the Python environment:

sudo apt-get install python3.8
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install setuptools
sudo pip3 install kconfiglib  # Install kconfiglib 13.2.0 or later.
sudo pip3 install pycryptodome
sudo pip3 install six --upgrade --ignore-installed six
sudo pip3 install ecdsa

If both Python2 and Python3 have been installed in the current system, run the following commands to set the default Python to Python3:

ll `which python`
rm /usr/bin/python
ln -s python3.8 /usr/bin/python

File Packaging Tool

Run the following commands to install the tool:

which mkfs.vfat  # If mkfs.vfat is not found, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install dosfstools
which mcopy # If mcopy is not found, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install mtools

NOTE: Both Hi3518 and Hi3516 platforms require the file packaging tool. For Hi3861, the tool is not required.


Run the following command to install SCons:

sudo apt-get install scons  # SCons 3.0.4 or later is recommended.

NOTE: SCons is required for the Hi3861 platform, but not for the Hi3518 or Hi3516 platform.