Combination Key

The input consumer module implements listening for key events.


  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • The APIs of this module are system APIs and cannot be called by third-party applications.

Modules to Import

import inputConsumer from '@ohos.multimodalInput.inputConsumer';


on(type: "key", keyOptions: KeyOptions, callback: Callback<KeyOptions>): void

Enables listening for combination key events. When a combination key event that meets the specified conditions occurs, KeyOptions will be passed as an input parameter to callback.

This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Type of the key input event to listen for. Only key is supported.
keyOptions keyOptions Yes Key option, which specifies the condition for combination key input.
callback Callback<keyOptions> Yes Callback used to return the result. When a key input event that meets the specified options occurs, keyOptions will be passed as an input parameter to callback.


let keyOptions = {preKeys: [], finalKey: 3, isFinalKeyDown: true, finalKeyDownDuration: 0}
let callback = function(keyOptions) {"preKeys: " + keyOptions.preKeys, "finalKey: " + keyOptions.finalKey,
                 "isFinalKeyDown: " + keyOptions.isFinalKeyDown, "finalKeyDownDuration: " + keyOptions.finalKeyDownDuration)
inputConsumer.on('key', keyOptions, callback);

off(type: "key", keyOptions: KeyOptions, callback: Callback<KeyOptions>): void

Stops listening for combination key events.

This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.InputConsumer


Name Type Mandatory Description
type string Yes Type of the key input event to listen for. Only key is supported.
keyOptions keyOptions Yes Key options passed to the key input event when listening starts.
callback Callback<keyOptions> Yes Callback function passed to the key input event with the key option when listening starts.


let keyOptions = {preKeys: [], finalKey: 3, isFinalKeyDown: true, finalKeyDownDuration: 0}
let callback = function(keyOptions) {"preKeys: " + keyOptions.preKeys, "finalKey: " + keyOptions.finalKey,
                 "isFinalKeyDown: " + keyOptions.isFinalKeyDown, "finalKeyDownDuration: " + keyOptions.finalKeyDownDuration)
}'key', keyOptions, callback);


Defines the key options that are met when a combination key input event occurs.

This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.MultimodalInput.Input.InputConsumer

Name Type Mandatory Description
preKeys Array Yes Array of precedent keys. This parameter can be left empty. There is no requirement on the sequence of precedent keys.
finalKey Number Yes Final key in the combination key. This parameter cannot be left blank.
isFinalKeyDown boolean Yes Indicates whether the final key is pressed or released. By default, the final key is pressed.
finalKeyDownDuration Number Yes Duration for pressing the final key. By default, there is no requirement on the duration.