
The <picker> component supports common, date, time, data and time, and multi-column text selectors.

Required Permissions


Child Component



In addition to the attributes in Universal Attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
type string - No Dynamic modification is not supported. Available values include:
-text: text selector
-data: date selector
-time: time selector
-datetime: date and time selector
-multi-text: multi-column text selector

Text Selector

When type is set to text, a text selector is used.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
range Array - No Value range of the common selector, for example, ["15", "20", "25"].NOTE:Use the data binding mode, for example, range = {{data}}. Declare the corresponding variable data: ["15", "20", "25"] in the JavaScript.
selected string 0 No Default value of the common selector. The value should be the index of range.
value string - No Value of the common selector.

Date Selector

When type is set to date, a date selector is used.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
start <time> 1970-1-1 No Start date of the date selector, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
end <time> 2100-12-31 No End date of the date selector, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.
selected string Current date No Default value of the date selector, in format of YYYY-MM-DD.
value string - Yes Value of the date selector.
lunar5+ boolean false No Whether the pop-up window displays the lunar calendar.
lunarswitch boolean false No Whether the date selector displays the lunar calendar switch, which is used to switch between the Gregorian calendar and lunar calendar. The value true means to display the lunar calendar switch for users to switch between the Gregorian calendar and lunar calendar. The value false means not to display the lunar calendar switch.NOTE:When both lunarswitch and lunar are set to true, the switch is selected.

Time Selector

When type is set to time, a time selector is used.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
containsecond boolean false No Whether seconds are contained.
selected string Current time No Default value of the time selector, in the format of HH:mm. If seconds are contained, the format is HH:mm:ss.
value string - No Value of the time selector.
hours number 241-4-5+ No Time format used by the time selector. Available values include:
-12: displayed in 12-hour format and distinguished by a.m. and p.m.
-24: displayed in 24-hour formatNOTE:The default value is the most commonly-used hour format in the current locale. 5+

Date and Time Selector

When type is set to datetime, a date and time selector is used.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
selected string Current date and time No Default value of the date and time selector. The value can be in either of the following formats:
-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mmIf the year is not set, the current year is used by default.
-The value you set is the date selected by default in the pop-up window.
value string - Yes Value of the date and time selector.
hours number 241-4-5+ No Time format used by the date and time selector. Available values include:
-12: displayed in 12-hour format and distinguished by a.m. and p.m.
-24: displayed in 24-hour format
NOTE:The default value is the most commonly-used hour format in the current locale. 5+
lunar5+ boolean false No Whether the pop-up window displays the lunar calendar.
lunarswitch boolean false No Whether the date selector displays the lunar calendar switch, which is used to switch between the Gregorian calendar and lunar calendar. The value true means to display the lunar calendar switch for users to switch between the Gregorian calendar and lunar calendar. The value false means not to display the lunar calendar switch.NOTE:When both lunarswitch and lunar are set to true, the switch is selected.

Multi-Column Text Selector

When type is set to multi-text, a multi-column text selector is used.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
columns number - Yes Number of columns in the multi-column text selector.
range Two-dimensional array - No Items of the multi-column text selector. range is a two-dimensional array that indicates the number of columns. Each item in the array indicates the data of each column, for example, [["a","b"], ["c","d"]].NOTE:Use the data binding mode, for example, range = {{data}}. Declare the corresponding variable data: [["a","b"], ["c","d"]] in the JavaScript.
selected Array 0,0,0,... No Default value of the multi-column text selector, which is an array consisting of the indexes of the selected items in each column.
value Array - No Value of the multi-column text selector, which is an array consisting of the values of the selected items in each column.


In addition to the styles in Universal Styles, the following styles are supported.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
text-color <color> - No Text color of the selector.
font-size <length> - No Font size of the selector.
allow-scale boolean true No Whether the font size changes with the system's font size settings.NOTE:If the config-changes tag of fontSize is configured for abilities in the config.json file, the setting takes effect without application restart.
letter-spacing <length> 0 No Letter spacing of the selector. For details, see letter-spacing of the text component.
text-decoration string - No Text decoration of the selector. For details, see text-decoration of the text component.
font-style string normal No Font style of the selector. For details, see font-style of the text component.
font-weight number | string normal No Font weight of the selector. For details, see font-weight of the text component.
font-family string sans-serif No Font family, in which fonts are separated by commas (,). Each font is set using a font name or font family name. The first font that exists in the system or the font specified by Custom Font Styles in the family is selected as the font for the text.
line-height <length> 0px No Text line height of the selector.
column-height5+ <length> - No Height of the selector option list.


In addition to the events in Universal Events, the following events are supported.

Common Selector

Name Parameter Description
change { newValue: newValue, newSelected: newSelected } Triggered when a value is selected and the OK button is clicked in the displayed pop-up window. newSelected is the index.
cancel - Triggered when the cancel button is clicked.

Date Selector

Name Parameter Description
change { year: year, month: month, day: day } Triggered when a value is selected and the OK button is clicked in the displayed pop-up window.NOTE:The value of month ranges from 0 (January) to 11 (December). 5+
cancel - Triggered when the cancel button is clicked.

Date and Time Selector

Name Parameter Description
change { year: year, month: month, day: day, hour: hour, minute: minute} Triggered when a value is selected and the OK button is clicked in the displayed pop-up window.
cancel - Triggered when the cancel button is clicked.

Time Selector

Name Parameter Description
change { hour: hour, minute: minute, [second: second] } Triggered when a value is selected and the OK button is clicked in the displayed pop-up window. If containsecond is set to true, value contains seconds.
cancel - Triggered when the cancel button is clicked.

Multi-Column Text Selector

Name Parameter Description
change { newValue: [newValue1, newValue2, newValue3, …], newSelected:[newSelected1, newSelected2, newSelected3, …] } Triggered when an item is selected and the OK button is clicked in the displayed pop-up window.
-newValue is an array consisting of the values of the selected items.
-newSelected is an array consisting of the indexes of the selected items. The lengths of newValue and newSelected are the same as the length of range.
columnchange { column: column, newValue: newValue, newSelected: newSelected } Triggered when the value of a column in the multi-column selector changes.
-column indicates the column whose value has changed.
-newValue indicates the selected value.
-newSelected indicates the index of the selected value.
cancel - Triggered when the cancel button is clicked.


In addition to the methods in Universal Methods, the following events are supported.

Name Parameter Description
show - Displays the picker.

Example Code

<!-- xxx.hml -->
<div class="container">
  <select @change="selectChange">
        <option value="{{ item }}" for="item in selectList">
            {{ item }}
  <picker id="picker0" type="text" value="{{textvalue}}" selected="{{textselect}}" range="{{rangetext}}" onchange="textonchange"
    oncancel="textoncancel" class="pickertext"  "></picker>

  <picker id="picker1" type="date" value="{{datevalue}}" start="2002-2-5" end="2030-6-5" selected="{{dateselect}}" lunarswitch="true"
    onchange="dateonchange" oncancel="dateoncancel" class="pickerdate" show="false"></picker>

  <picker id="picker2" type="time" value="{{timevalue}}" containsecond="{{containsecond}}" selected="{{timeselect}}" hours="12"
    onchange="timeonchange" oncancel="timeoncancel" class="pickertime" show="false"></picker>

  <picker id="picker3" type="datetime" value="{{datetimevalue}}" selected="{{datetimeselect}}" hours="24" lunarswitch="true"
    onchange="datetimeonchange" oncancel="datetimeoncancel" class="pickerdatetime" show="false"></picker>

  <picker id="picker4" type="multi-text" value="{{multitextvalue}}" columns="3" range="{{multitext}}" selected="{{multitextselect}}"
    onchange="multitextonchange" oncancel="multitextoncancel" class="pickermuitl" show="false"></picker>
/* xxx.css */
.container {    
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  background-color: #efecec;
  height: 50px;
  width: 60%;
  margin-left: 20%;
  margin-top: 300px;
  margin-bottom: 50px;
  font-size: 22px;
// xxx.js
import router from '@system.router';
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
export default {
  data: {    
    rangetext:['15', "20", "25"],    
    multitext:[["a", "b", "c"], ["e", "f", "g"], ["h", "i"], ["k", "l", "m"]],    
    textvalue:'default textvalue',    
    datevalue:'default datevalue',    
    timevalue:'default timevalue',    
    datetimevalue:'default datetimevalue',    
    multitextvalue:'default multitextvalue',    
        for(let i = 0;i<this.selectList.length;i++){
            if(e.newValue == this.selectList[i]){
  textonchange(e) {    
    this.textvalue = e.newValue;    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"text:"+e.newValue+",newSelected:"+e.newSelected })
  textoncancel(e) {    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"text: textoncancel" })
  dateonchange(e) {    
    this.datevalue = e.year + "-" + e.month + "-" + e.day;    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"date:"+e.year+"-"+(e.month+1)+"-"+e.day })
  dateoncancel() {    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"date: dateoncancel" })
  timeonchange(e) {    
      prompt.showToast({ message:"Time:" + e.hour + ":" + e.minute + ":" + e.second })
    } else {        
      prompt.showToast({ message:"Time:" + e.hour + ":" + e.minute })
  timeoncancel() {    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"timeoncancel" })
  datetimeonchange(e) {    
    this.datetimevalue=e.year+"-"+e.month+"-"+e.day+" "+e.hour+":"+e.minute;    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"Time:"+(e.month+1)+"-"+e.day+" "+e.hour+":"+e.minute })
  datetimeoncancel() {    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"datetimeoncancel" })
  multitextonchange(e) {    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"Multi-column text change" + e.newValue })
  multitextoncancel() {    
    prompt.showToast({ message:"multitextoncancel" })
  popup_picker() {    
