
The UiTest module provides APIs that you can use to simulate UI actions during testing, such as clicks, double-clicks, long-clicks, and swipes.

This module provides the following functions:

  • By: provides UI component feature description APIs for component filtering and matching.
  • UiComponent: represents a component on the UI and provides APIs for obtaining component attributes, clicking a component, scrolling to search for a component, and text injection.
  • UiDriver: works as the entry class and provides APIs for features such as component matching/search, key injection, coordinate clicking/sliding, and screenshot.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import {UiDriver,BY,MatchPattern} from '@ohos.uitest'


The UiTest framework provides a wide range of UI component feature description APIs in the By class to filter and match components. The API capabilities provided by the By class exhibit the following features:
1. Allow one or more attributes as the match conditions. For example, you can specify both the text and id attributes to find the target component.
2. Provide multiple match patterns for component attributes.
3. Support absolute positioning and relative positioning for components. APIs such as By.isBefore and By.isAfter can be used to specify the features of adjacent components to assist positioning.
All APIs provided in the By class are synchronous. You are advised to use the static constructor BY to create a By object in chain mode.



text(txt: string, pattern?: MatchPattern): By

Specifies the text attribute of the target component. Multiple match patterns are supported.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
txt string Yes Component text, used to match the target component.
pattern MatchPattern No Match pattern. The default value is EQUALS.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.text('123') // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the text attribute of the target component.


key(key: string): By

Specifies the key attribute of the target component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Component key.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.key('123') // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the key attribute of the target component.


id(id: number): By

Specifies the ID attribute of the target component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
id number Yes Component ID.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.id(123) // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the id attribute of the target component.


type(tp: string): By

Specifies the type attribute of the target component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
tp string Yes Component type.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.type('button') // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the type attribute of the target component.


clickable(b?: bool): By

Specifies the clickable status of the target component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
b bool No Clickable status of the target component. The default value is true.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.clickable(true) // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the clickable status of the target component.


scrollable(b?: bool): By

Specifies the scrollable status of the target component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
b bool No Scrollable status of the target component. The default value is true.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.scrollable(true) // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the scrollable status of the target component.


enabled(b?: bool): By

Specifies the enabled status of the target component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
b bool No Enabled status of the target component. The default value is true.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.enabled(true) // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the enabled status of the target component.


focused(b?: bool): By

Specifies the focused status of the target component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
b bool No Focused status of the target component. The default value is true.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.focused(true) // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the focused status of the target component.


selected(b?: bool): By

Specifies the selected status of the target component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
b bool No Selected status of the target component. The default value is true.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.selected(true) // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the selected status of the target component.


isBefore(by: By): By

Specifies the attributes of the component before which the target component is located.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
by By Yes Attributes of the component before which the target component is located.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.isBefore(BY.text('123')) // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the attributes of the component before which the target component is located.


isAfter(by: By): By

Specifies the attributes of the component after which the target component is located.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
by By Yes Attributes of the component before which the target component is located.

Return value

Type Description
By Returns the By object itself.


let by = BY.isAfter(BY.text('123')) // Use the static constructor BY to create a By object and specify the attributes of the component after which the target component is located.


In UiTest, the UiComponent class represents a component on the UI and provides APIs for obtaining component attributes, clicking a component, scrolling to search for a component, and text injection. All APIs provided in this class use a promise to return the result and must be invoked using await.


click(): Promise<void>

Clicks this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    await button.click()


doubleClick(): Promise<void>

Double-clicks this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    await button.doubleClick()


longClick(): Promise<void>

Long-clicks this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    await button.longClick()


getId(): Promise<number>

Obtains the ID of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the ID of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    let num = await button.getId()


getKey(): Promise<string>

Obtains the key of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<string> Promise used to return the key of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    let str_key = await button.getKey()


getText(): Promise<string>

Obtains the text information of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<string> Promise used to return the text information of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    let text = await button.getText()


getType(): Promise<string>

Obtains the type of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<string> Promise used to return the type of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    let type = await button.getType()


isClickable(): Promise<bool>

Obtains the clickable status of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<bool> Promise used to return the clickable status of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    if(await button.isClickable()) {
        console.info('This button can be Clicked')
        console.info('This button can not be Clicked')


isScrollable(): Promise<bool>

Obtains the scrollable status of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<bool> Promise used to return the scrollable status of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let scrollBar = await driver.findComponent(BY.scrollable(true))
    if(await scrollBar.isScrollable()) {
        console.info('This scrollBar can be operated')
        console.info('This scrollBar can not be operated')


isEnabled(): Promise<bool>

Obtains the enabled status of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<bool> Promise used to return the enabled status of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    if(await button.isEnabled()) {
        console.info('This button can be operated')
        console.info('This button can not be operated')


isFocused(): Promise<bool>

Obtains the focused status of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<bool> Promise used to return the focused status of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    if(await button.isFocused()) {
        console.info('This button is focused')
        console.info('This button is not focused')


isSelected(): Promise<bool>

Obtains the selected status of this component.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
Promise<bool> Promise used to return the selected status of the component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('button'))
    if(await button.isSelected()) {
        console.info('This button is selected')
        console.info('This button is not selected')


inputText(text: string): Promise<void>

Enters text into this component (available for text boxes).

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
text string Yes Text to enter.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let text = await driver.findComponent(BY.text('hello world'))
    await text.inputText('123')


scrollSearch(by:By): Promise<UiComponent>

Scrolls on this component to search for the target component (applicable to component that support scrolling, such as <List>).

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
by By Yes Attributes of the target component.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<UiComponent> Promise used to return the target component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let scrollBar = await driver.findComponent(BY.type('Scroll'))
    let button = await scrollBar.scrollSearch(BY.text('next page'))


The UiDriver class is the main entry to the UiTest framework. It provides APIs for features such as component matching/search, key injection, coordinate clicking/sliding, and screenshot. All APIs provided by this class, except for UiDriver.create(), use a promise to return the result and must be invoked using await.


static create(): UiDriver

Creates a UiDriver object and returns the object created. This API is a static API.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Return value

Type Description
UiDrive Returns the UiDriver object created.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()


delayMs(duration: number): Promise<void>

Delays this UiDriver object within the specified duration.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
duration number Yes Duration of time.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.delayMs(1000)


findComponent(by: By): Promise<UiComponent>

Searches this UiDriver object for the target component that matches the given attributes.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
by By Yes Attributes of the target component.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<UiComponent> Promise used to return the found component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let button = await driver.findComponent(BY.text('next page'))


findComponents(by: By): Promise<Array<UiComponent>>

Searches this UiDriver object for all components that match the given attributes.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
by By Yes Attributes of the target component.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Array<UiComponent>> Promise used to return a list of found components.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    let buttonList = await driver.findComponents(BY.text('next page'))


assertComponentExist(by: By): Promise<void>

Asserts that a component that matches the given attributes exists on the current page. If the component does not exist, the API throws a JS exception, causing the current test case to fail.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
by By Yes Attributes of the target component.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.assertComponentExist(BY.text('next page'))


pressBack(): Promise<void>

Presses the Back button on this UiDriver object.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.pressBack()


triggerKey(keyCode: number): Promise<void>

Triggers the key of this UiDriver object that matches the given key code.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
keyCode number Yes Key code.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.triggerKey(123)


click(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>

Clicks a specific point of this UiDriver object based on the given coordinates.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
x number Yes X-coordinate of the target point.
y number Yes Y-coordinate of the target point.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.click(100,100)


doubleClick(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>

Double-clicks a specific point of this UiDriver object based on the given coordinates.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
x number Yes X-coordinate of the target point.
y number Yes Y-coordinate of the target point.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.doubleClick(100,100)


longClick(x: number, y: number): Promise<void>

Long-clicks a specific point of this UiDriver object based on the given coordinates.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
x number Yes X-coordinate of the target point.
y number Yes Y-coordinate of the target point.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.longClick(100,100)


swipe(startx: number, starty: number, endx: number, endy: number, speed: number): Promise<void>

Swipes on this UiDriver object from the start point to the end point based on the given coordinates.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
startx number Yes X-coordinate of the start point.
starty number Yes Y-coordinate of the start point.
endx number Yes X-coordinate of the end point.
endy number Yes Y-coordinate of the end point.
speed number No Scroll speed, in pixels/s. The default value is 600.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.swipe(100,100,200,200)


screenCap(savePath: string): Promise<bool>

Captures the current screen of this UiDriver object and saves it as a PNG image to the given save path.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest


Name Type Mandatory Description
savePath string Yes File save path.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<bool> Promise used to return the operation result. The value true means that the operation is successful.


async function demo() {
    let driver = UiDriver.create()
    await driver.screenCap('/local/tmp/')


Enumerates the match patterns supported for component attributes.

System capability: SystemCapability.Test.UiTest

Name Value Description
EQUALS 0 Equal to the given value.
CONTAINS 1 Containing the given value.
STARTS_WITH 2 Starting from the given value.
ENDS_WITH 3 Ending with the given value.