Basic Usage

Custom components are existing components encapsulated based on service requirements. A custom component can be invoked multiple times in a project to improve the code readability. You can introduce a custom component to the host page through element as shown in the following code snippet:

<element name='comp' src='../../common/component/comp.hml'></element>
  <comp prop1='xxxx' @child1="bindParentVmMethod"></comp>

The following is an example of using a custom component with if-else:

<element name='comp1' src='../../common/component/comp1/comp1.hml'></element>
<element name='comp2' src='../../common/component/comp2/comp2.hml'></element>
  <comp1 if="{{showComp1}}" prop1='xxxx' @child1="bindParentVmMethodOne"></comp1>
  <comp2 else prop1='xxxx' @child1="bindParentVmMethodTwo"></comp2>
  • The name attribute indicates the custom component name (optional), which is case-insensitive and is in lowercase by default. The src attribute indicates the .hml file path (mandatory) of the custom component. If name is not set, the .hml file name is used as the component name by default.

  • Event binding: Use (on|@)child1 syntax to bind a child component event to a custom component. In the child component, use this.$emit('child1', {params:'parameter to pass'}) for event triggering and value transferring. In the parent component, call bindParentVmMethod method and receive the parameters passed from the child component.

    NOTE: For child component events that are named in camel case, convert the names to kebab case when binding the events to the parent component. For example, use @children-event instead of childrenEvent: @children-event="bindParentVmMethod".

Table 1 Objects

Attribute Type Description
data Object/Function Data model of the page. If the attribute is of the function type, the return value must be of the object type. The attribute name cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or underscore (_). Do not use reserved words (for, if, show, and tid).
Do not use this attribute and private or public at the same time.
props Array/Object Used for communication between components. This attribute can be transferred to components via <tag xxxx='value'>. A props name must be in lowercase and cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or underscore (_). Do not use reserved words (for, if, show, and tid). Currently, props does not support functions.
computed Object Used for pre-processing an object for reading and setting. The result is cached. The name cannot start with a dollar sign ($) or underscore (_). Do not use reserved words.