Configuring Widget Configuration Files

Widget-related configuration includes FormExtensionAbility configuration and widget configuration.

  1. Configure FormExtensionAbility information under extensionAbilities in the module.json5 file. For a FormExtensionAbility, you must specify metadata. Specifically, set name to ohos.extension.form (fixed), and set resource to the index of the widget configuration information.

    Example configuration:

      "module": {
        "extensionAbilities": [
            "name": "EntryFormAbility",
            "srcEntry": "./ets/entryformability/EntryFormAbility.ts",
            "label": "$string:EntryFormAbility_label",
            "description": "$string:EntryFormAbility_desc",
            "type": "form",
            "metadata": [
                "name": "ohos.extension.form",
                "resource": "$profile:form_config"
  2. Configure the widget configuration information. In the metadata configuration item of FormExtensionAbility, you can specify the resource index of specific configuration information of the widget. For example, if resource is set to $profile:form_config, form_config.json in the resources/base/profile/ directory of the development view is used as the profile configuration file of the widget. The following table describes the internal field structure.

    Table 1 form_config.json file

Field Description Data Type Default Value Allowed
name Class name of the widget. The value is a string with a maximum of 127 bytes. String No
description Description of the widget. The value can be a string or a resource index to descriptions in multiple languages. The value is a string with a maximum of 255 bytes. String Yes (initial value: left empty)
src Full path of the UI code corresponding to the widget. For an ArkTS widget, the full path must contain the widget file name extension, for example, ./ets/widget/pages/WidgetCard.ets. For a JS widget, the full path does not need to contain the widget file name extension, for example, ./js/widget/pages/WidgetCard. String No
uiSyntax Type of the widget.
- arkts: ArkTS widget
- hml: JS widget
String Yes (initial value: hml)
window Window-related configurations. Object Yes
isDefault Whether the widget is a default one. Each UIAbility has only one default widget.
- true: The widget is the default one.
- false: The widget is not the default one.
Boolean No
colorMode Color mode of the widget.
- auto: auto-adaptive color mode
- dark: dark color mode
- light: light color mode
String Yes (initial value: auto)
supportDimensions Grid styles supported by the widget.
- 1 * 2: indicates a grid with one row and two columns.
- 2 * 2: indicates a grid with two rows and two columns.
- 2 * 4: indicates a grid with two rows and four columns.
- 4 * 4: indicates a grid with four rows and four columns.
String array No
defaultDimension Default grid style of the widget. The value must be available in the supportDimensions array of the widget. String No
updateEnabled Whether the widget can be updated periodically.
- true: The widget can be updated at a specified interval (updateDuration) or at the scheduled time (scheduledUpdateTime). updateDuration takes precedence over scheduledUpdateTime.
- false: The widget cannot be updated periodically.
Boolean No
scheduledUpdateTime Scheduled time to update the widget. The value is in 24-hour format and accurate to minute.
updateDuration takes precedence over scheduledUpdateTime. If both are specified, the value specified by updateDuration is used.
String Yes (initial value: The widget cannot be updated periodically.)
updateDuration Interval to update the widget. The value is a natural number, in the unit of 30 minutes.
If the value is 0, this field does not take effect.
If the value is a positive integer N, the interval is calculated by multiplying N and 30 minutes.
updateDuration takes precedence over scheduledUpdateTime. If both are specified, the value specified by updateDuration is used.
Number Yes (initial value: 0)
formConfigAbility Link to a specific page of the application. The value is a URI. String Yes (initial value: left empty)
formVisibleNotify Whether the widget is allowed to use the widget visibility notification. String Yes (initial value: left empty)
metadata Metadata of the widget. This field contains the array of the customizeData field. Object Yes (initial value: left empty)

Example configuration:

  "forms": [
      "name": "widget",
      "description": "This is a service widget.",
      "src": "./ets/widget/pages/WidgetCard.ets",
      "uiSyntax": "arkts",
      "window": {
        "designWidth": 720,
        "autoDesignWidth": true
      "colorMode": "auto",
      "isDefault": true,
      "updateEnabled": true,
      "scheduledUpdateTime": "10:30",
      "updateDuration": 1,
      "defaultDimension": "2*2",
      "supportDimensions": [