@ohos.enterprise.adminManager (Enterprise Device Management)

The adminManager module provides enterprise device management capabilities so that devices have the custom capabilities required in enterprise settings.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import adminManager from '@ohos.enterprise.adminManager';


enableAdmin(admin: Want, enterpriseInfo: EnterpriseInfo, type: AdminType, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Enables a device administrator application of the current user. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. The super administrator application can be enabled only by the administrator.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
enterpriseInfo EnterpriseInfo Yes Enterprise information of the device administrator application.
type AdminType Yes Type of the device administrator to enable.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null. Otherwise, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200003 the administrator ability component is invalid.
9200004 failed to enable the administrator application of the device.
9200007 the system ability work abnormally.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
    abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
let enterpriseInfo = {
    name: "enterprise name",
    description: "enterprise description"
adminManager.enableAdmin(wantTemp, enterpriseInfo, adminManager.AdminType.ADMIN_TYPE_NORMAL, error => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("enableAdmin success");


enableAdmin(admin: Want, enterpriseInfo: EnterpriseInfo, type: AdminType, userId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Enables a device administrator application of the user specified by userId. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result. The super administrator application can be enabled only by the administrator.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
enterpriseInfo EnterpriseInfo Yes Enterprise information of the device administrator application.
type AdminType Yes Type of the device administrator to enable.
userId number Yes User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null. Otherwise, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200003 the administrator ability component is invalid.
9200004 failed to enable the administrator application of the device.
9200007 the system ability work abnormally.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
    abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
let enterpriseInfo = {
    name: "enterprise name",
    description: "enterprise description"
adminManager.enableAdmin(wantTemp, enterpriseInfo, adminManager.AdminType.ADMIN_TYPE_NORMAL, 100, error => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("enableAdmin success");


enableAdmin(admin: Want, enterpriseInfo: EnterpriseInfo, type: AdminType, userId?: number): Promise<void>

Enables a device administrator application of the user specified by userId (if any) or the current user. This API uses a promise to return the result. The super administrator application can be enabled only by the administrator.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
enterpriseInfo EnterpriseInfo Yes Enterprise information of the device administrator application.
type AdminType Yes Type of the device administrator to enable.
userId number No User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value. If the operation fails, an error object is thrown.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200003 the administrator ability component is invalid.
9200004 failed to enable the administrator application of the device.
9200007 the system ability work abnormally.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
    abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
let enterpriseInfo = {
    name: "enterprise name",
    description: "enterprise description"
adminManager.enableAdmin(wantTemp, enterpriseInfo, adminManager.AdminType.ADMIN_TYPE_NORMAL, 100)
.catch(error => {
    console.log("error occurs" + error);


disableAdmin(admin: Want, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Disables a device common administrator application of the current user. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device common administrator application.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null. Otherwise, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200005 failed to disable the administrator application of the device.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
adminManager.disableAdmin(wantTemp, error => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("disableAdmin success ");


disableAdmin(admin: Want, userId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Disables a device common administrator application of the user specified by userId. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device common administrator application.
userId number Yes User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null. Otherwise, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200005 failed to disable the administrator application of the device.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
adminManager.disableAdmin(wantTemp, 100, error => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("disableAdmin success ");


disableAdmin(admin: Want, userId?: number): Promise<void>

Disables a device administrator application of the user specified by userId (if any) or the current user. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device common administrator application.
userId number No User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value. If the operation fails, an error object is thrown.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200005 failed to disable the administrator application of the device.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
adminManager.disableAdmin(wantTemp, 100).catch(error => {
    console.log("error occurs" + error);


disableSuperAdmin(bundleName: String, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Disables a device super administrator application based on the specified bundle name. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
bundleName String Yes Bundle name of the device super administrator application.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null. Otherwise, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200005 failed to disable the administrator application of the device.


let bundleName = "com.example.myapplication";
adminManager.disableSuperAdmin(bundleName, error => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("disableSuperAdmin success");


disableSuperAdmin(bundleName: String): Promise<void>

Disables a device super administrator application based on the specified bundle name. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.MANAGE_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_ADMIN

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
bundleName String Yes Bundle name of the device super administrator application.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value. If the operation fails, an error object is thrown.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200005 failed to disable the administrator application of the device.


let bundleName = "com.example.myapplication";
adminManager.disableSuperAdmin(bundleName).catch(error => {
    console.log("error occurs" + error);


isAdminEnabled(admin: Want, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void

Checks whether a device administrator application of the current user is enabled. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
callback AsyncCallback<boolean> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null and data is a Boolean value (true means that the device administrator application is enabled; and false means the opposite). If the operation fails, err is an error object.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
adminManager.isAdminEnabled(wantTemp, (error, result) => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("result is " + result);


isAdminEnabled(admin: Want, userId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void

Checks whether a device administrator application of the user specified by userId is enabled. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
userId number Yes User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
callback AsyncCallback<boolean> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null and data is a Boolean value (true means that the device administrator application is enabled; and false means the opposite). If the operation fails, err is an error object.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
adminManager.isAdminEnabled(wantTemp, 100, (error, result) => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("result is " + result);


isAdminEnabled(admin: Want, userId?: number): Promise<boolean>

Checks whether a device administrator application of the user specified by userId (if any) or the current user is enabled. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
userId number No User ID. The default value is the user ID of the caller. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<boolean> Promise used to return the result. If true is returned, the device administrator application is enabled. If false is returned, the device administrator application is not enabled.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
adminManager.isAdminEnabled(wantTemp, 100).then((result) => {
    console.log("result is " + result);
}).catch(error => {
    console.log("error occurs" + error);


isSuperAdmin(bundleName: String, callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void

Checks whether a device super administrator application is enabled based on the specified bundle name. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
bundleName String Yes Device administrator application.
callback AsyncCallback<boolean> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null and data is a Boolean value (true means that the device administrator application is enabled; and false means the opposite). If the operation fails, err is an error object.


let bundleName = "com.example.myapplication";
adminManager.isSuperAdmin(bundleName, (error, result) => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("result is " + result);


isSuperAdmin(bundleName: String): Promise<boolean>

Checks whether a device super administrator application is enabled based on the specified bundle name. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
bundleName String Yes Device super administrator application.

Return value

ID Error Message
Promise<boolean> Promise used to return the result. If true is returned, the device super administrator application is enabled. If false is returned, the device super administrator application is not enabled.


let bundleName = "com.example.myapplication";
adminManager.isSuperAdmin(bundleName).then((result) => {
    console.log("result is " + result);
}).catch(error => {
    console.log("error occurs" + error);


setEnterpriseInfo(admin: Want, enterpriseInfo: EnterpriseInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<void>;): void

Sets the enterprise information of a device administrator application. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.SET_ENTERPRISE_INFO

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
enterpriseInfo EnterpriseInfo Yes Enterprise information of the device administrator application.
callback AsyncCallback<void>; Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null. Otherwise, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200001 the application is not an administrator of the device.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
    abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
let enterpriseInfo = {
    name: "enterprise name",
    description: "enterprise description"
adminManager.setEnterpriseInfo(wantTemp, enterpriseInfo, error => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);
    console.log("setEnterpriseInfo success");


setEnterpriseInfo(admin: Want, enterpriseInfo: EnterpriseInfo): Promise<void>;

Sets the enterprise information of a device administrator application. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.SET_ENTERPRISE_INFO

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
enterpriseInfo EnterpriseInfo Yes Enterprise information of the device administrator application.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value. If the operation fails, an error object is thrown.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200001 the application is not an administrator of the device.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
    abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
let enterpriseInfo = {
    name: "enterprise name",
    description: "enterprise description"
adminManager.setEnterpriseInfo(wantTemp, enterpriseInfo).catch(error => {
    console.log("error occurs" + error);


getEnterpriseInfo(admin: Want, callback: AsyncCallback<EnterpriseInfo>): void

Obtains the enterprise information of a device administrator application. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
callback AsyncCallback<EnterpriseInfo> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null and data is the enterprise information of the device administrator application. If the operation fails, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200001 the application is not an administrator of the device.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
    abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
adminManager.getEnterpriseInfo(wantTemp, (error, result) => {
    if (error != null) {
        console.log("error occurs" + error);


getEnterpriseInfo(admin: Want): Promise<EnterpriseInfo>

Obtains the enterprise information of a device administrator application. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<EnterpriseInfo> Callback used to return the enterprise information of the device administrator application.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200001 the application is not an administrator of the device.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "com.example.myapplication",
    abilityName: "com.example.myapplication.MainAbility",
adminManager.getEnterpriseInfo(wantTemp).then((result) => {
}).catch(error => {
    console.log("error occurs" + error);


subscribeManagedEvent(admin: Want, managedEvents: Array<ManagedEvent>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Configures a device administrator application to subscribe to system management events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.ENTERPRISE_SUBSCRIBE_MANAGED_EVENT

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
managedEvents Array<ManagedEvent> Yes Array of events to subscribe to.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null. Otherwise, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200001 the application is not an administrator of the device.
9200008 the specified system events enum is invalid.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
let events = [0, 1];
adminManager.subscribeManagedEvent(wantTemp, events, (error) => {
    if (error) {
        console.log("error code:" + error.code + " error message:" + error.message);


subscribeManagedEvent(admin: Want, managedEvents: Array<ManagedEvent>): Promise<void>

Configures a device administrator application to subscribe to system management events. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.ENTERPRISE_SUBSCRIBE_MANAGED_EVENT

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
managedEvents Array<ManagedEvent> Yes Array of events to subscribe to.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value. If the operation fails, an error object is thrown.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200001 the application is not an administrator of the device.
9200008 the specified system events enum is invalid.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
let events = [0, 1];
adminManager.subscribeManagedEvent(wantTemp, events).then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
    console.log("error code:" + error.code + " error message:" + error.message);


unsubscribeManagedEvent(admin: Want, managedEvents: Array<ManagedEvent>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Configures a device administrator application to unsubscribe from system management events. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.ENTERPRISE_SUBSCRIBE_MANAGED_EVENT

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
managedEvents Array<ManagedEvent> Yes Array of events to unsubscribe from.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is null. Otherwise, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200001 the application is not an administrator of the device.
9200008 the specified system events enum is invalid.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
let events = [0, 1];
adminManager.unsubscribeManagedEvent(wantTemp, events, (error) => {
    if (error) {
        console.log("error code:" + error.code + " error message:" + error.message);


unsubscribeManagedEvent(admin: Want, managedEvents: Array<ManagedEvent>): Promise<void>

Configures a device administrator application to unsubscribe from system management events. This API uses a promise to return the result.

Required permissions: ohos.permission.ENTERPRISE_SUBSCRIBE_MANAGED_EVENT

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.


Name Type Mandatory Description
admin Want Yes Device administrator application.
managedEvents Array<ManagedEvent> Yes Array of events to unsubscribe from.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise that returns no value. If the operation fails, an error object is thrown.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Enterprise Device Management Error Codes.

ID Error Message
9200001 the application is not an administrator of the device.
9200008 the specified system events enum is invalid.


let wantTemp = {
    bundleName: "bundleName",
    abilityName: "abilityName",
let events = [0, 1];
adminManager.unsubscribeManagedEvent(wantTemp, events).then(() => {
}).catch((error) => {
    console.log("error code:" + error.code + " error message:" + error.message);


Describes the enterprise information of a device administrator application.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.

Name Type Readable Writable Description
name string Yes No Name of the enterprise to which the device administrator application belongs.
description string Yes No Description of the enterprise to which the device administrator application belongs.


Enumerates the administrator types of the device administrator application.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.

Name Value Description
ADMIN_TYPE_NORMAL 0x00 Common administrator.
ADMIN_TYPE_SUPER 0x01 Super administrator.


Enumerates the system management events that can be subscribed to.

System capability: SystemCapability.Customization.EnterpriseDeviceManager

System API: This is a system API.

Name Value Description