Test Subsystem ChangeLog

cl.testfwk_arkxtest.1 On, Driver, and Component APIs Support Exception Handling

The APIs of API version 8 are deprecated and replaced by new APIs in API version 9 to capture exceptions using try catch.

Change Impact

The api9-JS APIs provided by @ohos.uitest are affected. If you have used the APIs of @ohos.uitest-api9 during test case development, adaptation is required so that the compilation can be successful in the SDK environment of the new version.

Key API/Component Changes

  • Deprecated the By class of API version 8 and replaced it with the On class in API version 9. The APIs of the On class support exception handling. The API names in the class remain unchanged, except that By#key is replaced with On.id.
  • Deprecated the BY object of API version 8 and replaced it with the ON object in API version 9.
  • Deprecated the UiDriver class of API version 8 and replaced it with the Driver class in API version 9. The APIs of the Driver class support exception handling, and the API names in the class remain unchanged.
  • Deprecated the UiComponent class of API version 8 and replaced it with the Component class in API version 9. The APIs of the Component class support exception handling, and the API names in the class remain unchanged.

Adaptation Guide

  1. Replace the class names as follows:

    • By-->On
    • BY-->ON
    • UiDriver-->Driver
    • UiComponent-->Component
  2. Capture the exception thrown.

    Use try-catch to capture exceptions thrown.

import {Driver,ON,Component} from '@ohos.uitest'

try {
    let driver = Driver.create();
} catch (error) {
    // error handle; error.code indicates the error code.