

HiDumper is a tool provided by OpenHarmony for developers, testers, and IDE tool engineers to obtain system information necessary for analyzing and locating faults. This section applies only to the standard system.

Source Code Directories

├── frameworks           # Framework code
│   ├── native           # Core function code
│   │  │── include       # Header files
│   │  │── src           # Source files
│   │      │── common    # Common function code
│   │      │── executor  # Process executor code
│   │      │── factory   # Factory code
│   │      │── manager   # Core manager code
│   │      │── util      # Utility source code
│── sa_profile           # HiDumper SA profile
│── services             # HiDumper service code
│   │── native           # C++ service code
│   │── zidl             # Communication function
│   │   │── include      # Header files of the communication function
│   │   │── src          # Source code of the communication function
├── test                 # Test cases
│   ├── unittest         # Unit test code
│   ├── moduletest       # Module-level test code


Command-Line Options

Table 1 HiDumper command-line options

Option Description
-h Shows the help Information.
-t [timeout] Specifies the timeout period, in seconds. The default value is 30. Value 0 indicates no timeout limit.
-lc Shows the system information cluster list.
-ls Shows the system ability list.
-c Exports system cluster information.
-c [base system] Exports system cluster information based on base or system tags.
-s Exports all system ability information.
-s [SA0 SA1] Exports ability information corresponding to SA0 and SA1.
-s [SA] -a ['-h'] Exports the system ability information SA using the -h parameter.
-e Exports crash logs generated by the FaultLogger module.
--net Exports network information.
--storage Exports storage information.
-p Exports the process list and all process information.
-p [pid] Exports all information about the specified process.
--cpuusage [pid] Exports the CPU usage information. If pid is specified, the CPU usage of the corresponding process is exported.
--cpufreq Exports the actual CPU frequency.
--mem [pid] Export memory usage information. If pid is specified, the memory usage of the corresponding process is exported.
--zip Compresses the exported information to a specified folder.

Development Example

HiDumper helps you export basic system information to locate and analyze faults. Complex parameters passed to sub-services and abilities must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Access the device CLI, and run the hidumper -h command to obtain the help information, which includes basic information and function syntax.

    hidumper -h
  2. Run the hidumper -lc command to obtain the system information cluster list.

    hidumper -lc
  3. Run the hidumper -c command to obtain all information that is classified by base and system.

    hidumper -c
  4. Run the hidumper -c [base | system] to obtain the system cluster information that is classified by base or system.

    hidumper -c base
    hidumper -c system
  5. Run the hidumper -ls command to obtain the system ability list.

    hidumper -ls
  6. Run the hidumper -s command to obtain all system ability information.

    hidumper -s
  7. Run the hidumper -s 3301 -a "-h" command to obtain the help information about the ability whose ID is 3301.

    hidumper -s 3301 -a "-h"
  8. Run the hidumper -s 3008 command to obtain all information about the ability whose ID is 3008.

    hidumper -s 3008
  9. Run the hidumper -e command to obtain the crash information generated by the FaultLogger module.

    hidumper -e
  10. Run the hidumper --net command to obtain network information.

    hidumper --net
  11. Run the hidumper --storage command to obtain storage information.

    hidumper --storage
  12. Run the hidumper -p command to obtain process information, including the list and information of processes and threads.

    hidumper -p
  13. Run the hidumper -p 1024 command to obtain information about the process whose PID is 1024.

    hidumper -p 1024
  14. Run the hidumper --cpuusage [pid] command to obtain the CPU usage information. If the PID of a process is specified, only the CPU usage of the process is returned.

    hidumper --cpuusage
    hidumper --cpuusage 1024
  15. Run the hidumper --cpufreq command to obtain the actual operating frequency of each CPU core.

    hidumper --cpufreq
  16. Run the hidumper --mem [pid] command to obtain all memory usage information. If the PID of a process is specified, only the memory usage of the process is returned.

    hidumper --mem [pid]

    The following table describes the parameters in the first column of the command output when the PID of the process is specified.

Name Description
GL GPU memory.
Graph Graphics memory.
ark ts heap Memory usage of the ArkTS heap.
guard Memory occupied by the protection section.
native heap Heap memory.
AnonPage other Memory occupied by other pages that are not mapped to files.
stack Stack memory.
.hap Memory occupied by the application.
.db Memory occupied by the .db files loaded by processes.
.so Memory occupied by the .so dynamic library files loaded by processes.
.ttf Memory occupied by the .ttf font files loaded by processes.
dev Memory occupied by the files that are named with the /dev prefix and loaded by processes.
FilePage other Memory occupied by other pages that are mapped to files.
  1. Run the hidumper --zip command to compress data to the /data/dumper directory.

    hidumper --zip
  2. Run the hidumper -t timeout command to set the timeout period, in seconds. The default value is 30. Value 0 indicates no timeout limit.

    hidumper -t [timeout]