Establishing a Data Channel Between the Application and the Frontend Page

The createWebMessagePorts() API allows you to create message ports to implement communication between the application and frontend page.

In the following example, createWebMessagePorts is used to create message ports on the application and postMessage() is used to forward one of the message ports to the frontend page so that the application and frontend page can exchange messages with each other over the port.

  • Application code:

    // xxx.ets
    import web_webview from '@ohos.web.webview';
    struct WebComponent {
      controller: web_webview.WebviewController = new web_webview.WebviewController();
      ports: web_webview.WebMessagePort[];
      @State sendFromEts: string = 'Send this message from ets to HTML';
      @State receivedFromHtml: string = 'Display received message send from HTML';
      build() {
        Column() {
          // Display the content received from the HTML side.
          // Send the content in the text box to the HTML side.
          TextInput({placeholder: 'Send this message from ets to HTML'})
            .onChange((value: string) => {
              this.sendFromEts = value;
            .onClick(() => {
              try {
                // 1. Create two message ports.
                this.ports = this.controller.createWebMessagePorts();
                // 2. Register a callback for the message port (for example, port 1) on the application.
                this.ports[1].onMessageEvent((result: web_webview.WebMessage) => {
                  let msg = 'Got msg from HTML:';
                  if (typeof(result) === 'string') {
          `received string message from html5, string is: ${result}`);
                    msg = msg + result;
                  } else if (typeof(result) === 'object') {
                    if (result instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
            `received arraybuffer from html5, length is: ${result.byteLength}`);
                      msg = msg + 'lenght is ' + result.byteLength;
                    } else {
            'not support');
                  } else {
          'not support');
                  this.receivedFromHtml = msg;
                // 3. Send the other message port (for example, port 0) to the HTML side, which then saves the message port.
                this.controller.postMessage('__init_port__', [this.ports[0]], '*');
              } catch (error) {
                console.error(`ErrorCode: ${error.code},  Message: ${error.message}`);
          // 4. Use the message port on the application to send messages to the message port that has been sent to the HTML side.
            .onClick(() => {
              try {
                if (this.ports && this.ports[1]) {
                } else {
                  console.error(`ports is null, Please initialize first`);
              } catch (error) {
                console.error(`ErrorCode: ${error.code}, Message: ${error.message}`);
          Web({ src: $rawfile('xxx.html'), controller: this.controller })
  • Frontend page code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>WebView Message Port Demo</title>
    var h5Port;
    var output = document.querySelector('.output');
    window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
        if ( === '__init_port__') {
            if (event.ports[0] !== null) {
                h5Port = event.ports[0]; // 1. Save the port sent from the eTS side.
                h5Port.onmessage = function (event) {
                  // 2. Receive messages sent from the eTS side.
                  var msg = 'Got message from ets:';
                  var result =;
                  if (typeof(result) === 'string') {
          `received string message from html5, string is: ${result}`);
                    msg = msg + result;
                  } else if (typeof(result) === 'object') {
                    if (result instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
            `received arraybuffer from html5, length is:` ${result.byteLength}`);
                      msg = msg + 'lenght is ' + result.byteLength;
                    } else {
            'not support');
                  } else {
          'not support');
                  output.innerHTML = msg;
    // 3. Use H5Port to send messages to the eTS side.
    function PostMsgToEts(data) {
        if (h5Port) {
        } else {
          console.error('h5Port is null, Please initialize first');
        <h1>WebView Message Port Demo</h1>
            <input type="button" value="SendToEts" onclick="PostMsgToEts(msgFromJS.value);"/><br/>
            <input id="msgFromJS" type="text" value="send this message from HTML to ets"/><br/>
        <p class="output">display received message send from ets</p>