Using Animations in the Widget

To make your ArkTS widget more engaging, you can apply animations to it, including explicit animation, attribute animation, and component transition. Just note the following restrictions when using the animations in ArkTS widgets.

Table 1 Restrictions on animation parameters

Name Description Description
duration Animation playback duration The maximum value is 1 second. If a larger value is set, the animation is still played for 1 second.
tempo Animation playback speed. Do not set this parameter in the widget. Use the default value 1.
delay Animation delay duration. Do not set this parameter in the widget. Use the default value 0.
iterations Number of times that the animation is played. Do not set this parameter in the widget. Use the default value 1.

The following sample code implements the animation effect of button rotation:


struct AttrAnimationExample {
  @State rotateAngle: number = 0;

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button('change rotate angle')
        .onClick(() => {
          this.rotateAngle = 90;
        .rotate({ angle: this.rotateAngle })
          curve: Curve.EaseOut,
          playMode: PlayMode.AlternateReverse
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 20 })