LifecycleApp Switching

API in the FA Model Corresponding d.ts File in the Stage Model Corresponding API in the Stage Model
onShow?(): void; @ohos.window.d.ts on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback<WindowStageEventType>): void;
Listens for the switching to the foreground.
onHide?(): void; @ohos.window.d.ts on(eventType: 'windowStageEvent', callback: Callback<WindowStageEventType>): void;
Listens for the switching to the background.
onDestroy?(): void; onDestroy(): void;
onCreate?(): void; onCreate(want: Want, param: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void;
onWindowDisplayModeChanged?(isShownInMultiWindow: boolean, newConfig: resourceManager.Configuration): void; There is no corresponding API in the stage model. No corresponding API is provided.
onStartContinuation?(): boolean; There is no corresponding API in the stage model. In the stage model, an application does not need to detect whether the continuation is successful (detected when the application initiates the continuation request). Therefore, the onStartContinuation() callback is deprecated.
onSaveData?(data: Object): boolean; onContinue(wantParam : {[key: string]: any}): AbilityConstant.OnContinueResult;
onCompleteContinuation?(result: number): void; application\ContinueCallback.d.ts onContinueDone(result: number): void;
onRestoreData?(data: Object): void; onCreate(want: Want, param: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void;
onNewWant(want: Want, launchParams: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void;
In multiton or singleton mode, the target ability completes data restoration in the onCreate() callback. In the callback, launchParam.launchReason is used to determine whether it is a continuation-based launch scenario. If it is, the data saved before continuation can be obtained from the want parameter.
onRemoteTerminated?(): void; application\ContinueCallback.d.ts onContinueDone(result: number): void;
onSaveAbilityState?(outState: PacMap): void; onSaveState(reason: AbilityConstant.StateType, wantParam : {[key: string]: any}): AbilityConstant.OnSaveResult;
onRestoreAbilityState?(inState: PacMap): void; onCreate(want: Want, param: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void;
After the application is restarted, the onCreate() callback is triggered. In the callback, launchParam.launchReason is used to determine whether it is a self-recovery scenario. If it is, the data saved before the restart can be obtained from the want parameter.
onInactive?(): void; onBackground(): void;
onActive?(): void; onForeground(): void;
onNewWant?(want: Want): void; onNewWant(want: Want, launchParams: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void;
onMemoryLevel?(level: number): void onMemoryLevel(level: AbilityConstant.MemoryLevel): void;