Native API Differences

The table below lists the native APIs changes in OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta2 over OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta1.

Standard System API Changes

Module API Change Type Change Description
Bundle Management - BundleFramework OH_NativeBundle_ApplicationInfo OH_NativeBundle_GetCurrentApplicationInfo() Added Added the APIs for obtaining the bundle name and fingerprint information of the current application.
Graphics - NativeWindow int32_t OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowSetScalingMode(OHNativeWindow *window, uint32_t sequence, OHScalingMode scalingMode) Added Added the API for setting the scaling mode.
Graphics - NativeWindow int32_t OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowSetMetaData(OHNativeWindow *window, uint32_t sequence, int32_t size, const OHHDRMetaData *metaData) Added Added the API for setting the HDR metadata.
Graphics - NativeWindow int32_t OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowSetMetaDataSet(OHNativeWindow *window, uint32_t sequence, OHHDRMetadataKey key, int32_t size, const uint8_t *metaData) Added Added the API for setting the HDR metadata set.
Graphics - NativeWindow int32_t OH_NativeWindow_NativeWindowSetTunnelHandle(OHNativeWindow *window, const OHExtDataHandle *handle) Added Added the API for setting the tunnel handle.