$$ Syntax: Two-Way Synchronization of Built-in Components

The $$ operator provides a TS variable by-reference to a built-in component so that the variable value and the internal state of that component are kept in sync.

What the internal state is depends on the component. For example, for the bindPopup attribute method, it is the show parameter.

Rules of Use

  • $$ supports variables of simple types and variables decorated by @State, @Link, or @Prop.

  • Currently, $$ supports only the show parameter of the bindPopup attribute method, the checked attribute of the <Radio> component, and the refreshing parameter of the <Refresh> component.

  • When the variable bound to $$ changes, the UI is re-rendered synchronously.


This example uses the show parameter of the bindPopup attribute method.

// xxx.ets
struct bindPopupPage {
  @State customPopup: boolean = false;

  build() {
    Column() {
        .onClick(() => {
          this.customPopup = !this.customPopup
        .bindPopup($$this.customPopup, {
          message: 'showPopup'
