
The Emitter module provides APIs for sending and processing in-process events, including the APIs for processing events that are subscribed to in persistent or one-shot manner, unsubscribing from events, and emitting events to the event queue.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 7.

Modules to Import

import emitter from '@ohos.events.emitter'

Required Permissions



on(event: InnerEvent, callback: Callback<EventData>): void

Subscribes to an event in persistent manner. This API uses a callback to return the event.

System capability: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter


Name Type Mandatory Description
event InnerEvent Yes Event to subscribe to in persistent manner. The EventPriority settings do not take effect.
callback Callback<EventData> Yes Callback used to return the event.


let innerEvent = {
    eventId: 1
function EmitterCallback(eventData) {
emitter.on(innerEvent, EmitterCallback);


once(event: InnerEvent, callback: Callback<EventData>): void

Subscribes to an event in one-shot manner and unsubscribes from it after the event callback is received.

System capability: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter


Name Type Mandatory Description
event InnerEvent Yes Event to subscribe to in one-shot manner. The EventPriority settings do not take effect.
callback Callback<EventData> Yes Callback used to return the event.


let innerEvent = {
    eventId: 1
function EmitterCallback(eventData) {
    console.info('once callback');
emitter.once(innerEvent, EmitterCallback);


off(eventId: number): void

Unsubscribes from an event.

System capability: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter


Name Type Mandatory Description
eventId number Yes Event ID.




emit(event: InnerEvent, data?: EventData): void

Emits an event to the event queue.

System capability: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter


Name Type Mandatory Description
event InnerEvent Yes Event to emit.
data EventData No Data carried by the event.


let eventData = {
    data: {
        "content": "c",
        "id": 1,
let innerEvent = {
    eventId: 1,
    priority: emitter.EventPriority.HIGH
emitter.emit(innerEvent, eventData);


Enumerates the event emit priority levels.

System capability: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter

Name Value Description
IMMEDIATE 0 The event will be emitted immediately.
HIGH 1 The event will be emitted before low-priority events.
LOW 2 The event will be emitted before idle-priority events. By default, an event is in LOW priority.
IDLE 3 The event will be emitted after all the other events.


Describes an in-process event.

System capability: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter

Name Type Readable Writable Description
eventId number Yes Yes Event ID.
priority EventPriority Yes Yes Emit priority of the event.


Describes the data passed in the event.

System capability: SystemCapability.Notification.Emitter

Name Type Readable Writable Description
data [key: string]: any Yes Yes Data carried by the event. The value can be a string, integer, or Boolean, wherein a string contains a maximum of 10240 bytes.