Service Extension Ability Development

When to Use

ExtensionAbility is the base class of the new Extension component in the stage model. It is used to process missions without UIs. The lifecycle of an Extension ability is simple and does not involve foreground or background states. ServiceExtensionAbility is extended from ExtensionAbility.

You can customize a class that inherits from ServiceExtensionAbility and override the lifecycle callbacks in the base class to perform service logic operations during the initialization, connection, and disconnection processes.

Available APIs

Table 1 ServiceExtensionAbility lifecycle APIs

API Description
onCreate(want: Want): void Called for the initialization when startAbility or connectAbility is invoked for a given ability for the first time.
onRequest(want: Want, startId: number): void Called each time startAbility is invoked for a given ability. The initial value of startId is 1, and the value is incremented by one each time startAbility is invoked for that ability.
onConnect(want: Want): rpc.RemoteObject Called when connectAbility is invoked for a given ability. This callback is not invoked for repeated calling of connectAbility for a specific ability. However, it will be invoked unless connectAbility is called after the ability has been disconnected using disconnectAbility. The returned result is a RemoteObject.
onDisconnect(want: Want): void Called when disconnectAbility is called for a given ability. If the Extension ability is started by connectAbility and is not bound to other applications, the onDestroy callback will also be triggered to destroy the Extension ability.
onDestroy(): void Called when terminateSelf is invoked to terminate the ability.


OpenHarmony does not support creation of a Service Extension ability for third-party applications.

How to Develop

  1. Create a Service Extension ability.

  2. Customize a class that inherits from ServiceExtensionAbility in the .ts file in the directory where the Service Extension ability is defined (entry\src\main\ets\ServiceExtAbility\ServiceExtAbility.ts by default) and override the lifecycle callbacks of the base class. The code sample is as follows:

import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'
class StubTest extends rpc.RemoteObject {
  constructor(des) {
  onRemoteRequest(code, data, reply, option) {

class ServiceExt extends ServiceExtensionAbility {
  onCreate(want) {
    console.log('onCreate, want:' + want.abilityName);
  onRequest(want, startId) {
    console.log('onRequest, want:' + want.abilityName);
  onConnect(want) {
    console.log('onConnect , want:' + want.abilityName);
    return new StubTest("test");
  onDisconnect(want) {
    console.log('onDisconnect, want:' + want.abilityName);
  onDestroy() {
  1. Register the Service Extension ability.

    Declare the Service Extension ability in the module.json5 file by setting its type attribute to service.

    module.json5 configuration example

    "name": "ServiceExtAbility",
    "icon": "$media:icon",
    "description": "service",
    "type": "service",
    "visible": true,
    "srcEntrance": "./ets/ServiceExtAbility/ServiceExtAbility.ts"    