Popup Control

You can bind a popup to a component, specifying its content, interaction logic, and display status.


This attribute is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


Name Type Description
bindPopup show: boolean,
popup: PopupOptions | CustomPopupOptions8+
Binds a popup to the component.
show: whether to show the popup. The default value is false, indicating that the popup is hidden.
popup: parameters of the popup.


Name Type Mandatory Description
message string Yes Content of the popup message.
placementOnTop boolean No Whether to display the popup above the component. The default value is false.
primaryButton {
value: string,
action: () => void
No Primary button.
value: text of the primary button in the popup.
action: callback for clicking the primary button.
secondaryButton {
value: string,
action: () => void
No Secondary button.
value: text of the secondary button in the popup.
action: callback for clicking the secondary button.
onStateChange (event: { isVisible: boolean }) => void No Callback for the popup status change event. The parameter isVisible indicates whether the popup is visible.


Name Type Mandatory Description
builder CustomBuilder Yes Popup builder.
placement Placement No Preferred position of the popup. If the set position is insufficient for holding the popup, it will be automatically adjusted.
Default value: Placement.Bottom
maskColor ResourceColor No Color of the popup mask.
popupColor ResourceColor No Color of the popup.
enableArrow boolean No Whether to display an arrow.
Since API version 9, if the location set for the popup arrow is not large enough, the arrow will not be displayed. For example, if placement is set to Left and the popup height is less than the arrow width (32 vp), the arrow will not be displayed.
Default value: true
autoCancel boolean No Whether to automatically close the popup when an operation is performed on the page.
Default value: true
onStateChange (event: { isVisible: boolean }) => void No Callback for the popup status change event. The parameter isVisible indicates whether the popup is visible.


// xxx.ets
struct PopupExample {
  @State handlePopup: boolean = false
  @State customPopup: boolean = false

  // Popup builder
  @Builder popupBuilder() {
    Row({ space: 2 }) {
      Image($r("app.media.image")).width(24).height(24).margin({ left: -5 })
      Text('Custom Popup').fontSize(10)

  build() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column }) {
      // PopupOptions for setting the popup
        .onClick(() => {
          this.handlePopup = !this.handlePopup
        .bindPopup(this.handlePopup, {
          message: 'This is a popup with PopupOptions',
          placementOnTop: true,
          primaryButton: {
            value: 'confirm',
            action: () => {
              this.handlePopup = !this.handlePopup
              console.info('confirm Button click')
          // Secondary button
          secondaryButton: {
            value: 'cancel',
            action: () => {
              this.handlePopup = !this.handlePopup;
              console.info('cancel Button click')
          onStateChange: (e) => {
            if (!e.isVisible) {
              this.handlePopup = false
        .position({ x: 100, y: 50 })

      // CustomPopupOptions for setting the popup
        .onClick(() => {
          this.customPopup = !this.customPopup
        .bindPopup(this.customPopup, {
          builder: this.popupBuilder,
          placement: Placement.Top,
          maskColor: 0x33000000,
          popupColor: Color.Yellow,
          enableArrow: true,
          onStateChange: (e) => {
            if (!e.isVisible) {
              this.customPopup = false
        .position({ x: 80, y: 200 })
    }.width('100%').padding({ top: 5 })
