
This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

The <Web> component can be used to display web pages.

Required Permissions

ohos.permission.INTERNET, required only for accessing online web pages.

Child Components

Not supported


  • Web(options: { src: string, controller?: WebController })

    Table 1 options

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
src string Yes - Address of a web page resource.
controller WebController No - Controller.


  • Transition animation is not supported.
  • Multi-instance is not supported.
  • Only local audio and video are supported for playback.


Name Type Default Value Description
domStorageAccess boolean false Whether to enable the DOM Storage API permission. By default, the permission is disabled.
fileAccess boolean false Whether to enable in-application rawfile access through $rawfile(filepath/filename). By default, this feature is enabled.
fileFromUrlAccess boolean true Whether to allow JavaScript scripts on web pages to access the content in $rawfile(filepath/filename). By default, this feature is disabled.
imageAccess boolean true Whether to enable automatic image loading. By default, this feature is enabled.
javaScriptProxy {
object: object,
name: string,
methodList: Array<string>,
controller: WebController
- JavaScript object to be injected into the window. Methods of this object can be invoked in the window. The parameters in this attribute cannot be updated.
object indicates the object to be registered. Methods can be declared, but not attributes. The parameters and return value can only be of the string, number, or Boolean type.
name indicates the name of the object to be registered, which is the same as that invoked in the window. After registration, the window can use this name to access the JavaScript object at the application side.
methodList indicates the methods of the JavaScript object to be registered at the application side.
controller indicates the controller.
javaScriptAccess boolean true Whether JavaScript scripts can be executed. By default, JavaScript scripts can be executed.
mixedMode MixedMode MixedMode.None Whether to enable loading of HTTP and HTTPS hybrid content can be loaded. By default, this feature is disabled.
onlineImageAccess boolean true Whether to enable access to online images through HTTP and HTTPS. By default, this feature is enabled.
zoomAccess boolean true Whether to enable zoom gestures. By default, zoom gestures are enabled.
overviewModeAccess boolean true Whether to use the overview mode to load web pages. By default, this mode is used.
databaseAccess boolean false Whether to enable database access. By default, this feature is disabled.
cacheMode CacheMode CacheMode.Default Cache mode.
textZoomAtio number 100 Text zoom ratio of the page. The default value is 100, which indicates 100%.
userAgent string - User agent.


Only the following universal attributes are supported: width, height, padding, margin, and border.


The universal events are not supported.

Name Description
onAlert(callback: (event?: { url: string; message: string; result: JsResult }) => boolean)

Triggered when alert() is invoked to display an alert dialog box on the web page.
If the callback returns false, the default dialog box is displayed. If the callback returns true, a system application can use the system dialog box (allows only the confirm operation) and invoke the JsResult API to notify the <Web> component of the user's operation.
url: URL of the web page where the dialog box is displayed.
message: information displayed in the dialog box.
JsResult: the user's operation.

onBeforeUnload(callback: (event?: { url: string; message: string; result: JsResult }) => boolean)

Triggered when the current page is about to exit after the user refreshes or closes the page.
If the callback returns false, the default dialog box is displayed. If the callback returns true, a system application can use the system dialog box (allows the confirm and cancel operations) and invoke the JsResult API to notify the <Web> component of the user's operation.
url: URL of the web page where the dialog box is displayed.
message: information displayed in the dialog box.
JsResult: the user's operation.

onConfirm(callback: (event?: { url: string; message: string; result: JsResult }) => boolean)

Triggered when confirm() is invoked by the web page.
If the callback returns false, the default dialog box is displayed. If the callback returns true, a system application can use the system dialog box (allows the confirm and cancel operations) and invoke the JsResult API to notify the <Web> component of the user's operation.
url: URL of the web page where the dialog box is displayed.
message: information displayed in the dialog box.
JsResult: the user's operation.

onConsole(callback: (event?: { message: ConsoleMessage }) => boolean)

Triggered when the host application is notified of a JavaScript console message.
message: console message.

onDownloadStart(callback: (event?: { url: string, userAgent: string, contentDisposition: string, mimetype: string, contentLength: number }) => void)

Triggered when a download task starts on the web page.
url: URL for the download task.
userAgent: name of the user agent (UA) for the download task.
contentDisposition: Content-Disposition response header returned by the server, which may be empty.
mimetype: content media type (MIME) returned by the server.
contentLength: length of the file returned by the server.

onErrorReceive(callback: (event?: { request: WebResourceRequest, error: WebResourceError }) => void)

Triggered when an error occurs during web page loading.
For better results, simplify the implementation logic in the callback.
request: encapsulation of a web page request.
error: encapsulation of a web page resource loading error.

onHttpErrorReceive(callback: (event?: { request: WebResourceRequest, response: WebResourceResponse }) => void)

Triggered when an HTTP error (the response code is greater than or equal to 400) occurs during web page resource loading.
request: encapsulation of a web page request.
response: encapsulation of a web page response.

onPageBegin(callback: (event?: { url: string }) => void)

Triggered when the web page starts to be loaded. This API is triggered only for the main frame content, and not for the iframe or frameset content.
url: URL of the page.

onPageEnd(callback: (event?: { url: string }) => void)

Triggered when the web page loading is complete. This API is triggered only for the main frame content.
url: URL of the page.

onProgressChange(callback: (event?: { newProgress: number }) => void)

Triggered when the web page loading progress changes.
newProgress: new loading progress. The value is an integer ranging from 0 to 100.

onTitleReceive(callback: (event?: { title: string }) => void)

Triggered when the document title of the web page is changed.
title: document title.

onRefreshAccessedHistory(callback: (event?: { url: string, isRefreshed: boolean }) => void)

Triggered when loading of the web page is complete. This callback function is used by an application to update the historical link it accessed.
url: URL to be accessed.
isRefreshed: whether the page is reloaded. The value true means that the page is reloaded, and false means that the page is newly loaded.

onRenderExited(callback: (event?: { renderExitReason: RenderExitReason }) => void)

Triggered when the rendering process exits abnormally.
renderExitReason: cause for the abnormal exit of the rendering process.

onShowFileSelector(callback: (event?: { result: FileSelectorResult, fileSelector: FileSelectorParam }) => void)

Triggered to process an HTML form whose input type is file, in response to the tapping of the Select File button.
result: file selection result to be sent to the web component.
fileSelector: information about the file selector.

onUrlLoadIntercept(callback: (event?: { data:string | WebResourceRequest }) => boolean)

Triggered before the <Web> component loads the URL to determine whether to block the access. The callback returns true if the access is blocked, and false otherwise.
data: URL information.


Name Description
getLineNumber(): number Obtains the number of rows in the ConsoleMessage.
getMessage(): string Obtains the log information of the ConsoleMessage.
getMessageLevel(): MessageLevel Obtains the log information level of the ConsoleMessage.
getSourceId(): string Obtains the path and name of the web page source file.

MessageLevel Enums

Name Description
Debug Debug level.
Error Error level.
Info Information level.
Log Log level.
Warn Warning level.


Provides the result returned to the <Web> component to indicate the user operation performed in the dialog box.

Name Description
handleCancel(): void

The user's cancel operation in the dialog box.

handleConfirm(): void

The user's confirm operation in the dialog box.


Name Description
getErrorCode(): number Obtains the error code for resource loading.
getErrorInfo(): string Obtains error information about resource loading.


Name Description
getRequestHeader(): Array<Header> Obtains the information about the resource request header.
getRequestUrl(): string Obtains the URL of the resource request.
isMainFrame(): boolean Checks whether the resource request is in the main frame.
isRedirect(): boolean Checks whether the resource request is redirected by the server.
isRequestGesture(): boolean Checks whether the resource request is associated with a gesture (for example, a tap).

Describes the request/response header returned by the <Web> component.

Name Type Description
headerKey string Key of the request/response header.
headerValue string Value of the request/response header.


Name Description
getReasonMessage(): string Obtains the status code description of the resource response.
getResponseCode(): number Obtains the status code of the resource response.
getResponseData(): string Obtains the data in the resource response.
getResponseEncoding(): string Obtains the encoding of the resource response.
getResponseHeader(): Array<Header> Obtains the resource response header.
getResponseMimeType(): string Obtains the media (MIME) type of the resource response.


Explains why the rendering process exits.

Name Description
PROCESS_ABNORMAL_TERMINATION The rendering process exits abnormally.
PROCESS_WAS_KILLED The rendering process receives a SIGKILL message or is manually terminated.
PROCESS_CRASHED The rendering process crashes due to a segmentation error or other errors.
PROCESS_OOM The program memory is running low.


Name Description
All HTTP and HTTPS hybrid content can be loaded. This means that all insecure content can be loaded.
Compatible HTTP and HTTPS hybrid content can be loaded in compatibility mode. This means that some insecure content may be loaded.
None HTTP and HTTPS hybrid content cannot be loaded.


Name Description
Default The cache that has not expired is used to load the resources. If the resources do not exist in the cache, they will be obtained from the Internet.
None The cache is used to load the resources. If the resources do not exist in the cache, they will be obtained from the Internet.
Online The cache is not used to load the resources. All resources are obtained from the Internet.
Only The cache alone is used to load the resources.


Notifies the <Web> component of the file selection result.

Name Description
handleFileList(fileList: Array<string>): void Instructs the <Web> component to select a file.
fileList: list of files to operate.


Name Description
title(): string Title of the file selector.
mode(): FileSelectorMode Mode of the file selector.
acceptType(): Array<string> File filtering type.
isCapture(): boolean Whether multimedia capabilities are invoked.


Name Description
FILE_OPEN_MODE Open and upload a file.
FILE_OPEN_MULTIPLE_MODE Open and upload multiple files.
FILE_OPEN_FOLDER_MODE Open and upload a folder.
FILE_SAVE_MODE Save a file.


Defines a WebController to control the behavior of the <Web> component. A WebController can control only one <Web> component, and the APIs in the WebController can be invoked only after it has been bound to the target <Web> component.

Creating an Object

webController: WebController = new WebController()


accessBackward(): boolean

Checks whether going to the previous page can be performed on the current page.


accessForward(): boolean

Checks whether going to the next page can be performed on the current page.


accessStep(step: number): boolean

Indicates whether a specific number of steps forward or backward can be performed on the current page.

  • Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
step number Yes - Number of the steps to take. A positive number means to going forward, and a negative number means to going backward.
  • Return value
Type Description
boolean Whether to go forward or backward from the current page.


backward(): void

Goes to the previous page based on the history stack. This API is generally used together with accessBackward.


deleteJavaScriptRegister(name: string): void

Deletes a specific application JavaScript object that is registered with the window through registerJavaScriptProxy.

  • Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
name string Yes - Name of the registered JavaScript object, which can be used to invoke the corresponding object on the application side from the web side.


forward(): void

Goes to the next page based on the history stack. This API is generally used together with accessForward.


getHitTest(): HitTestType

Obtains the element type of the area being clicked.

  • HitTestType enums
Name Description
EditText Editable area.
Email Email address.
HttpAnchor Hyperlink where src is http.
HttpAnchorImg Image with a hyperlink, where src is http.
Img HTML::img tag.
Map Geographical address.
Unknown Unknown content.


loadData(options: { data: string, mimeType: string, encoding: string, baseUrl?: string, historyUrl?: string }): void

Loads data. If baseUrl is empty, the specified character string will be loaded using the data protocol.

If baseUrl is set to a data URL, the encoded string will be loaded by the <Web> component using the data protocol.

If baseUrl is set to an HTTP or HTTPS URL, the encoded string will be processed by the <Web> component as a non-encoded string in a manner similar to loadUrl.

  • options
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
data string Yes - Character string obtained after being Base64 or URL encoded.
mimeType string Yes - Media type (MIME).
encoding string Yes - Encoding type, which can be Base64 or URL.
baseUrl string No - URL (HTTP/HTTPS/data compliant), which is assigned by the <Web> component to window.origin.
historyUrl string No - Historical record URL. If this parameter is not empty, it can be managed in historical records to implement page going backward and forward. This parameter is invalid when baseUrl is left empty.


loadUrl(options:{ url: string, headers?: Array<Header> }): void

Loads a URL using the specified HTTP header.

The object injected through loadUrl is valid only in the current document. It will be invalid on a new page navigated to through loadUrl.

The object injected through registerJavaScriptProxy is still valid on a new page navigated to through loadUrl.

  • options
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
url string Yes - URL to load.
headers Array<Header> No [] Additional HTTP request header of the URL.


onActive(): void

Invoked to instruct the <Web> component to enter the foreground, active state.


onInactive(): void

Invoked to instruct the <Web> component to enter the inactive state.


refresh(): void

Invoked to instruct the <Web> component to refresh the web page.


registerJavaScriptProxy(options: { object: object, name: string, methodList: Array<string> }): void

Injects a JavaScript object into the window and invokes the methods of the object in the window. After the registration, the refresh API must be invoked for the registration to take effect.

  • options
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
object object Yes - Application-side JavaScript object to be registered. Methods can be declared, but not attributes. The parameters and return value can only be of the string, number, or Boolean type.
name string Yes - Name of the object to be registered, which is the same as that invoked in the window. After registration, the window can use this name to access the JavaScript object at the application side.
methodList Array<string> Yes - Methods of the JavaScript object to be registered at the application side.


runJavaScript(options: { script: string, callback?: (result: string) => void }): void

Asynchronously executes a JavaScript script. This API uses a callback to return the script execution result. runJavaScript can be invoked only after loadUrl is executed. For example, it can be executed in onPageEnd.

  • options
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
script string Yes - JavaScript script.
callback (result: string) => void No - Callback used to return the result. Returns null if the JavaScript script fails to be executed or no value is returned.


stop(): void

Stops page loading.


clearHistory(): void

Clears the browsing history.


getCookieManager(): WebCookie

Obtains the cookie management object of the <Web> component.

  • Return value
Type Description
WebCookie Cookie management object. For details, see WebCookie.


Manages behavior of cookies in <Web> components. All <Web> components in an application share a WebCookie. You can use the getCookieManager API in controller to obtain the WebCookie for subsequent cookie management.


setCookie(url: string, value: string): boolean

Sets the cookie. This API is synchronous.

  • Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
url string Yes - URL of the cookie to set.
value string Yes - Value of the cookie to set.
  • Return value
Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation is successful; returns false otherwise.


saveCookieSync(): boolean

Saves this cookie in the memory to the disk. This API is synchronous.

  • Return value
Type Description
boolean Returns the operation result.


// webComponent.ets
struct WebComponent {
  @State javaScriptAccess: boolean = true;
  @State fileAccess: boolean = true;
  controller: WebController = new WebController();
  build() {
    Column() {
      Web({ src: $rawfile('index.html'), controller: this.controller })
      .onPageEnd(e => {
        // test() has been defined in index.html.
        this.controller.runJavaScript({ script: 'test()' });
        console.log("url: ", e.url);
<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
    Hello world!
<script type="text/javascript">
	function test() {
		console.log('Ark WebComponent');