
The <Gauge> component is used to display data in a ring chart.


This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

Not supported


Gauge(options:{value: number, min?: number, max?: number})


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number Yes Current value of the chart, that is, the position to which the pointer points in the chart. It is used as the initial value of the chart when the component is created.
min number No Minimum value of the current data segment.
Default value: 0
max number No Maximum value of the current data segment.
Default value: 100


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
value number Value of the chart. It can be dynamically changed.
Default value: 0
startAngle number Start angle of the chart. The value 0 indicates 0 degrees, and a positive value indicates the clockwise direction.
Default value: 0
endAngle number End angle of the chart. The value 0 indicates 0 degrees, and a positive value indicates the clockwise direction.
Default value: 360
colors Array<ColorStop> Colors of the chart. Colors can be set for individual segments.
strokeWidth Length Stroke width of the chart.


Describes a gradient stop.

Name Type Description
ColorStop [ResourceColor, number] Type of the gradient stop. The first parameter indicates the color value. If it is set to a non-color value, the black color is used. The second parameter indicates the color weight. If it is set to a negative number or a non-numeric value, the color weight is 0, which means that the color is not displayed.


// xxx.ets
struct GaugeExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 20 }) {
      // Use the default value of min and max, which is 0-100, and the default values of startAngle and endAngle, which are 0 and 360, respectively.
      // Set the current value to 75.
      Gauge({ value: 75 })
        .colors([[0x317AF7, 1], [0x5BA854, 1], [0xE08C3A, 1], [0x9C554B, 1]])
      // Set the value parameter to 75 and the value attribute to 25. The attribute setting is used.
      Gauge({ value: 75 })
        .value(25) // If both the attribute and parameter are set, the parameter setting is used.
        .colors([[0x317AF7, 1], [0x5BA854, 1], [0xE08C3A, 1], [0x9C554B, 1]])
      // A ring chart of 210 to 150 degrees
      Gauge({ value: 30, min: 0, max: 100 })
        .colors([[0x317AF7, 0.1], [0x5BA854, 0.2], [0xE08C3A, 0.3], [0x9C554B, 0.4]])
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
