

The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 6. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. API version 9 is a canary version for trial use. The APIs of this version may be unstable.


APIs of the FeatureAbility module can be called only by Page abilities.

Modules to Import

import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'


startAbility(parameter: StartAbilityParameter, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void

Starts an ability. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
parameter StartAbilityParameter Yes Ability to start.
callback AsyncCallback<number> Yes Callback used to return the result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
import wantConstant from '@ohos.ability.wantConstant'
            action: "",
            entities: [""],
            type: "",
            flags: wantConstant.Flags.FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION,
            deviceId: "",
            bundleName: "com.example.startability",
            abilityName: "com.example.startability.MainAbility",
            uri: ""
    (err, data) => {
        console.info("err: " + JSON.stringify(err) + "data: " + JSON.stringify(data))


startAbility(parameter: StartAbilityParameter): Promise<number>

Starts an ability. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
parameter StartAbilityParameter Yes Ability to start.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
import wantConstant from '@ohos.ability.wantConstant'
            action: "action.system.home",
            entities: ["entity.system.home"],
            type: "MIMETYPE",
			flags: wantConstant.Flags.FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION,
            deviceId: "",
            bundleName: "com.example.startability",
            abilityName: "com.example.startability.MainAbility",
            uri: ""
   ).then((data) => {


acquireDataAbilityHelper(uri: string): DataAbilityHelper

Obtains a dataAbilityHelper object.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
uri string Yes URI of the file to open.

Return value

Type Description
DataAbilityHelper A utility class used to help other abilities access the Data ability.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'


startAbilityForResult(parameter: StartAbilityParameter, callback: AsyncCallback<AbilityResult>): void

Starts an ability. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the execution result when the ability is destroyed.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
parameter StartAbilityParameter Yes Ability to start.
callback AsyncCallback<AbilityResult> Yes Callback used to return the result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
import wantConstant from '@ohos.ability.wantConstant'
            action: "action.system.home",
            entities: ["entity.system.home"],
            type: "MIMETYPE",
            flags: wantConstant.Flags.FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION,
            deviceId: "",
            bundleName: "com.example.featureabilitytest",
            abilityName: "com.example.featureabilitytest.MainAbility",
    (err, data) => {
        console.info("err: " + JSON.stringify(err) + "data: " + JSON.stringify(data))


startAbilityForResult(parameter: StartAbilityParameter): Promise<AbilityResult>

Starts an ability. This API uses a promise to return the execution result when the ability is destroyed.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
parameter StartAbilityParameter Yes Ability to start.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<AbilityResult> Promised returned with the execution result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
import wantConstant from '@ohos.ability.wantConstant'
            action: "action.system.home",
            entities: ["entity.system.home"],
            type: "MIMETYPE",
            flags: wantConstant.Flags.FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION,
            deviceId: "",
            bundleName: "com.example.featureabilitytest",
            abilityName: "com.example.featureabilitytest.MainAbility",
                mykey0: 1111,
                mykey1: [1, 2, 3],
                mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]",
                mykey3: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                mykey4: [1, 15],
                mykey5: [false, true, false],
                mykey6: ["aaaaaa", "bbbbb", "ccccccccccc"],
                mykey7: true,
        requestCode: 2,
).then((data) => {


terminateSelfWithResult(parameter: AbilityResult, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Destroys this Page ability, with the result code and data sent to the caller. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
parameter AbilityResult Yes Ability to destroy.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
import wantConstant from '@ohos.ability.wantConstant'
        resultCode: 1,
            action: "action.system.home",
            entities: ["entity.system.home"],
            type: "MIMETYPE",
            flags: wantConstant.Flags.FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION,
            deviceId: "",
            bundleName: "com.example.featureabilitytest",
            abilityName: "com.example.featureabilitytest.MainAbility",
            parameters: {
                mykey0: 2222,
                mykey1: [1, 2, 3],
                mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]",
                mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss",
                mykey4: [1, 15],
                mykey5: [false, true, false],
                mykey6: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"],
                mykey7: true,
    (err) => {
        console.info("err: " + JSON.stringify(err))


terminateSelfWithResult(parameter: AbilityResult): Promise<void>

Destroys this Page ability, with the result code and data sent to the caller. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
parameter AbilityResult Yes Ability to destroy.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise used to return the result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
import wantConstant from '@ohos.ability.wantConstant'
        resultCode: 1,
            action: "action.system.home",
            entities: ["entity.system.home"],
            type: "MIMETYPE",
            flags: wantConstant.Flags.FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION,
            deviceId: "",
            bundleName: "com.example.featureabilitytest",
            abilityName: "com.example.featureabilitytest.MainAbility",
            parameters: {
                mykey0: 2222,
                mykey1: [1, 2, 3],
                mykey2: "[1, 2, 3]",
                mykey3: "ssssssssssssssssssssssssss",
                mykey4: [1, 15],
                mykey5: [false, true, false],
                mykey6: ["qqqqq", "wwwwww", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"],
                mykey7: true,
).then((data) => {


hasWindowFocus(callback: AsyncCallback<boolean>): void

Checks whether the main window of this ability has the focus. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<boolean> Yes Callback used to return the result.
Returns true if the main window of this ability has the focus; returns false otherwise.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
    (err, data) => {
        console.info("err: " + JSON.stringify(err) + "data: " + JSON.stringify(data))


hasWindowFocus(): Promise<boolean>

Checks whether the main window of this ability has the focus. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Return value

Type Description
Promise<boolean> Returns true if the main window of this ability has the focus; returns false otherwise.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
featureAbility.hasWindowFocus().then((data) => {


getWant(callback: AsyncCallback<Want>): void

Obtains the Want object sent from this ability. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<Want> Yes Callback used to return the result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
    (err, data) => {
        console.info("err: " + JSON.stringify(err) + "data: " + JSON.stringify(data))


getWant(): Promise<Want>

Obtains the Want object sent from this ability. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Return value

Type Description
Promise<Want> Promise used to return the result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
featureAbility.getWant().then((data) => {


getContext(): Context

Obtains the application context.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Return value

Type Description
Context Application context.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
var context = featureAbility.getContext()


terminateSelf(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void

Destroys this Page ability, with the result code and data sent to the caller. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
    (err) => {
        console.info("err: " + JSON.stringify(err))


terminateSelf(): Promise<void>

Destroys this Page ability, with the result code and data sent to the caller. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise used to return the result.


import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility';
featureAbility.terminateSelf().then((data) => {		    console.info("==========================>terminateSelfCallBack=======================>");


connectAbility(request: Want, options:ConnectOptions): number

Connects this ability to a specific Service ability. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
request Want Yes Service ability to connect.
options ConnectOptions Yes Callback used to return the result.


System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase

Name Readable/Writable Type Mandatory Description
deviceId Read-only string No Device ID of the Service ability to connect. The default value is the local device ID.
bundleName Read-only string Yes Bundle name of the Service ability to connect.
abilityName Read-only string Yes Class name of the Service ability to connect.


System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core

Name Readable/Writable Type Mandatory Description
onConnect Read-only function Yes Callback invoked when the connection is successful.
onDisconnect Read-only function Yes Callback invoked when the connection fails.
onFailed Read-only function Yes Callback invoked when connectAbility fails to be called.

Return value

Type Description
number ID of the Service ability connected.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
function onConnectCallback(element, remote){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onConnect remote is proxy:' + (remote instanceof rpc.RemoteProxy));
function onDisconnectCallback(element){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onDisconnect element.deviceId : ' + element.deviceId)
function onFailedCallback(code){
    console.log('featureAbilityTest ConnectAbility onFailed errCode : ' + code)
var connId = featureAbility.connectAbility(
        deviceId: "",
        bundleName: "com.ix.ServiceAbility",
        abilityName: "ServiceAbilityA",
        onConnect: onConnectCallback,
        onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback,
        onFailed: onFailedCallback,


disconnectAbility(connection: number, callback:AsyncCallback<void>): void

Disconnects this ability from a specific Service ability. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
connection number Yes ID of the Service ability to disconnect.
callback AsyncCallback<void> Yes Callback used to return the result.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
function onConnectCallback(element, remote){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onConnect remote is proxy:' + (remote instanceof rpc.RemoteProxy));
function onDisconnectCallback(element){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onDisconnect element.deviceId : ' + element.deviceId)
function onFailedCallback(code){
    console.log('featureAbilityTest ConnectAbility onFailed errCode : ' + code)
var connId = featureAbility.connectAbility(
        bundleName: "com.ix.ServiceAbility",
        abilityName: "ServiceAbilityA",
        onConnect: onConnectCallback,
        onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback,
        onFailed: onFailedCallback,
var result = featureAbility.disconnectAbility(connId,
    (error) => {
        console.log('featureAbilityTest DisConnectJsSameBundleName result errCode : ' + error.code)


disconnectAbility(connection: number): Promise<void>

Disconnects this ability from a specific Service ability. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
connection number Yes ID of the Service ability to disconnect.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<void> Promise used to return the result.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
function onConnectCallback(element, remote){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onConnect remote is proxy:' + (remote instanceof rpc.RemoteProxy));
function onDisconnectCallback(element){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onDisconnect element.deviceId : ' + element.deviceId)
function onFailedCallback(code){
    console.log('featureAbilityTest ConnectAbility onFailed errCode : ' + code)
var connId = featureAbility.connectAbility(
        bundleName: "com.ix.ServiceAbility",
        abilityName: "ServiceAbilityA",
        onConnect: onConnectCallback,
        onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback,
        onFailed: onFailedCallback,

    console.log('featureAbilityTest result errCode : ' + error.code + " data: " + data);


getWindow(callback: AsyncCallback<window.Window>): void

Obtains the window corresponding to this ability. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback<window.Window> Yes Callback used to return the window.


    (err, data) => {
        console.info("err: " + JSON.stringify(err) + "data: " + JSON.stringify(data))


getWindow(): Promise<window.Window>;

Obtains the window corresponding to this ability. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Return value

Type Description
Promise<window.Window> Promise used to return the window.


featureAbility.getWindow().then((data) => {
  console.info("=============getWindowPromise========== " +  JSON.stringify(data)); 


onConnect(elementName: ElementName, remote: rpc.IRemoteObject): void;

Callback invoked when the connection is successful.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
elementName ElementName Yes Element name.
remote rpc.IRemoteObject Yes RPC remote object.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
function onConnectCallback(element, remote){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onConnect remote is proxy:' + (remote instanceof rpc.RemoteProxy));
function onDisconnectCallback(element){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onDisconnect element.deviceId : ' + element.deviceId)
function onFailedCallback(code){
    console.log('featureAbilityTest ConnectAbility onFailed errCode : ' + code)
var connId = featureAbility.connectAbility(
        deviceId: "",
        bundleName: "com.ix.ServiceAbility",
        abilityName: "ServiceAbilityA",
        onConnect: onConnectCallback,
        onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback,
        onFailed: onFailedCallback,


onDisconnect(elementName: ElementName): void;

Callback invoked when the connection fails.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
elementName ElementName Yes Element name.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
function onConnectCallback(element, remote){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onConnect remote is proxy:' + (remote instanceof rpc.RemoteProxy));
function onDisconnectCallback(element){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onDisconnect element.deviceId : ' + element.deviceId)
function onFailedCallback(code){
    console.log('featureAbilityTest ConnectAbility onFailed errCode : ' + code)
var connId = featureAbility.connectAbility(
        deviceId: "",
        bundleName: "com.ix.ServiceAbility",
        abilityName: "ServiceAbilityA",
        onConnect: onConnectCallback,
        onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback,
        onFailed: onFailedCallback,


onFailed(code: number): void;

Callback invoked when connectAbility fails to be called.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
code number Yes Number type.


import rpc from '@ohos.rpc'
import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'
function onConnectCallback(element, remote){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onConnect remote is proxy:' + (remote instanceof rpc.RemoteProxy));
function onDisconnectCallback(element){
    console.log('ConnectAbility onDisconnect element.deviceId : ' + element.deviceId)
function onFailedCallback(code){
    console.log('featureAbilityTest ConnectAbility onFailed errCode : ' + code)
var connId = featureAbility.connectAbility(
        deviceId: "",
        bundleName: "com.ix.ServiceAbility",
        abilityName: "ServiceAbilityA",
        onConnect: onConnectCallback,
        onDisconnect: onDisconnectCallback,
        onFailed: onFailedCallback,


The value is obtained through the featureAbility.AbilityWindowConfiguration API.



System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Name Value Description
WINDOW_MODE_UNDEFINED7+ 0 The Page ability is in an undefined window display mode.
WINDOW_MODE_FULLSCREEN7+ 1 The Page ability is in full screen mode.
WINDOW_MODE_SPLIT_PRIMARY7+ 100 The Page ability is displayed in the primary window when it is in split-screen mode.
WINDOW_MODE_SPLIT_SECONDARY7+ 101 The Page ability is displayed in the secondary window when it is in split-screen mode.
WINDOW_MODE_FLOATING7+ 102 The Page ability is displayed in floating window mode.


The AbilityStartSetting attribute is an object defined as [key: string]: any. The key is a type of AbilityStartSetting, and the value is a type of AbilityWindowConfiguration.

The value is obtained through the featureAbility.AbilityStartSetting API.



System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Name Value Description
BOUNDS_KEY7+ "abilityBounds" Ability window size.
WINDOW_MODE_KEY7+ "windowMode" Ability window display mode.
DISPLAY_ID_KEY7+ "displayId" Display device ID.


Enumerates error codes.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Name Value Description
NO_ERROR7+ 0 No error occurs.
INVALID_PARAMETER7+ -1 Invalid parameter.
ABILITY_NOT_FOUND7+ -2 The ability is not found.
PERMISSION_DENY7+ -3 The request is denied.


Enumerates operation types of the Data ability.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Name Value Description
TYPE_INSERT7+ 1 Insert operation.
TYPE_UPDATE7+ 2 Update operation.
TYPE_DELETE7+ 3 Deletion operation.
TYPE_ASSERT7+ 4 Assert operation.


System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase

Name Readable/Writable Type Mandatory Description
resultCode7+ Read-only number Yes Result code returned after the ability is destroyed. The feature for defining error-specific result codes is coming soon.
want7+ Read-only Want No Data returned after the ability is destroyed. You can define the data to be returned. This parameter can be null.


System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.FAModel

Name Readable/Writable Type Mandatory Description
want Read-only Want Yes Information about the ability to start.
abilityStartSetting Read-only {[key: string]: any} No Special attribute of the ability to start. This attribute can be passed in the method call.


System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase

Name Readable/Writable Type Mandatory Description
deviceId Read-only string No ID of the device that runs the ability.
bundleName Read-only string No Bundle name of the ability to start.
abilityName Read-only string No Name of the ability to start. If both package and AbilityName are specified in this field in a Want object, the Want object can directly match the specified ability.
uri Read-only string No URI information to match. If uri is specified in a Want object, the Want object will match the specified URI information, including scheme, schemeSpecificPart, authority, and path.
type Read-only string No MIME type, for example, text/plain or image/*.
flags Read-only number No How the Want object will be handled. By default, a number is passed. For details, see flags.
action Read-only string No Action option.
parameters Read-only {[key: string]: any} No List of parameters in the Want object.
entities Read-only Array<string> No List of entities.
extensionAbilityType9+ Read-only bundle.ExtensionAbilityType No Type of the Extension ability.
extensionAbilityName9+ Read-only string No Description of the Extension ability name in the Want object.


System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityBase

Name Value Description
FLAG_AUTH_READ_URI_PERMISSION 0x00000001 Indicates the permission to read the URI.
FLAG_AUTH_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION 0x00000002 Indicates the permission to write the URI.
FLAG_ABILITY_FORWARD_RESULT 0x00000004 Returns the result to the ability.
FLAG_ABILITY_CONTINUATION 0x00000008 Indicates whether the ability on the local device can be migrated to a remote device.
FLAG_NOT_OHOS_COMPONENT 0x00000010 Indicates that a component does not belong to OHOS.
FLAG_ABILITY_FORM_ENABLED 0x00000020 Indicates whether to enable an ability.
FLAG_AUTH_PERSISTABLE_URI_PERMISSION 0x00000040 Indicates the permission to make the URI persistent.
FLAG_AUTH_PREFIX_URI_PERMISSION 0x00000080 Indicates the permission to verify URIs by prefix matching.
FLAG_ABILITYSLICE_MULTI_DEVICE 0x00000100 Supports cross-device startup in a distributed scheduler.
FLAG_START_FOREGROUND_ABILITY 0x00000200 Indicates that the Service ability is started regardless of whether the host application has been started.
FLAG_ABILITY_CONTINUATION_REVERSIBLE 0x00000400 Indicates that the migration is reversible.
FLAG_INSTALL_ON_DEMAND 0x00000800 Indicates that the specific ability will be installed if it has not been installed.
FLAG_INSTALL_WITH_BACKGROUND_MODE 0x80000000 Indicates that the specific ability will be installed in the background if it has not been installed.
FLAG_ABILITY_CLEAR_MISSION 0x00008000 Clears other operation missions. This flag can be set for the Want object in the startAbility API passed to ohos.app.Context and must be used together with flag_ABILITY_NEW_MISSION.
FLAG_ABILITY_NEW_MISSION 0x10000000 Creates a mission on the historical mission stack.
FLAG_ABILITY_MISSION_TOP 0x20000000 Starts the mission on the top of the existing mission stack; creates an ability instance if no mission exists.