
The <rating> component provides a rating bar used for reviews and ratings.

Required Permissions


Child Components

Not supported


In addition to the attributes in Universal Attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
numstars number 5 No Maximum number of rating stars.
rating number 0 No Current rating stars.
stepsize number 0.5 No Step to increment the rating value.
indicator boolean false No Whether to make the rating icons as an indicator (not-editable by users).


In addition to the styles in Universal Styles, the following styles are supported.

Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
star-background string - No Background image when a rating star is unselected. Only PNG and JPG images in a local path are supported.
star-foreground string - No Foreground image when a rating star is selected. Only PNG and JPG images in a local path are supported.
star-secondary string - No Secondary background image when a rating star is partially selected. This image will cover the background image and can only be a PNG or JPG image from a local path.
width <length>|<percentage> 120 px60 px (cannot be edited) No Image width. The default value is the width of the default image for five-star ratings. If you do not set the maximum rating value and background images of the rating stars, the default value will be used.
height <length>|<percentage> 24px12 px (cannot be edited) No Image height. The default value is the height of the default image for five-star ratings. If you do not set the maximum rating value and background images of the rating stars, the default value will be used.
rtl-flip boolean true No Whether the image source is automatically flipped in the RTL text direction.

img NOTE: You must set star-background, star-secondary, and star-foreground. Otherwise, the rating star is gray, indicating that the image is set incorrectly.


In addition to the events in Universal Events, the following events are supported.

Name Parameter Description
change { rating: number } Triggered when the rating value changes.


Methods in Universal Methods are supported.


<!-- xxx.hml -->
<div class="container">
  <rating numstars="5" rating="5" @change="changeRating" id="rating">
/* xxx.css */
.container {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
rating {
  width: 200px;
// xxx.js
import prompt from '@system.prompt';
export default {
            message: e.rating
