
The <StepperItem> component provides an element for the <Stepper> component.


This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

This component supports only one child component.




Name Type Description
prevLabel string Text label of the button on the left. When the <Stepper> contains more than one page, the default value for all pages except the first page is Back.
nextLabel string Text label of the button on the right. The default value is Start for the last page and Next for the other pages.
status ItemState Display status of nextLabel in the stepper.
Default value: ItemState.Normal


Name Value Description
Normal 0 The button on the right is clickable and can navigate users to the next <StepperItem> when it is clicked.
Disabled 1 The button on the right is grayed out and unavailable.
Waiting 2 The button on the right is not displayed, and a progress bar is displayed instead.
Skip 3 The button on the right reads "Skip". You can define the processing logic for this state in the onSkip callback of the stepper.


See Stepper.