Gesture Binding

Bind different types of gesture events to components and set response methods for them.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Binding Gesture Recognition

Use the following attributes to bind gesture recognition to a component. When a gesture is recognized, the event callback is invoked to notify the component.

Name Type Default Value Description
gesture gesture: GestureType,
mask?: GestureMask
gesture: -,
mask: GestureMask.Normal
Gesture to recognize.
- gesture: type of the gesture to bind.
- mask: event response setting.
priorityGesture gesture: GestureType,
mask?: GestureMask
gesture: -,
mask: GestureMask.Normal
Gesture to preferentially recognize.
- gesture: type of the gesture to bind.
- mask: event response setting.
By default, the child component takes precedence over the parent component in gesture recognition. When priorityGesture is configured for the parent component, the parent component takes precedence over the child component in gesture recognition.
parallelGesture gesture: GestureType,
mask?: GestureMask
gesture: -,
mask: GestureMask.Normal
Gesture that can be triggered together with the child component gesture.
- gesture: type of the gesture to bind.
- mask: event response setting.
The gesture event is not a bubbling event. When parallelGesture is set for the parent component, gesture events that are the same for the parent component and child components can be triggered, thereby implementing a bubbling effect.
  • GestureMask
Name Description
Normal The gestures of child components are not masked and are recognized based on the default gesture recognition sequence.
IgnoreInternal The gestures of child components are masked. Only the gestures of the current component are recognized.
However, the built-in gestures of the child components are not masked. For example, when the child component is a component, the built-in sliding gestures can still be triggered.
  • GestureType
Name Description
TapGesture Tap gesture, which can be a single-tap or multi-tap gesture.
LongPressGesture Long press gesture.
PanGesture Pan gesture, which requires a minimum 5 vp movement distance of a finger on the screen.
PinchGesture Pinch gesture.
RotationGesture Rotation gesture.
SwipeGesture Swipe gesture, which can be recognized when the swipe speed is 100 vp/s or higher.
GestureGroup A group of gestures. Continuous recognition, parallel recognition, and exclusive recognition are supported.

Gesture Response Event

The component uses the gesture method to bind the gesture object and uses the events provided in this object to respond to the gesture operation. For example, the onAction event of the TapGesture object can be used to respond to a click event. For details about the event definitions of other gestures, see the corresponding gesture sections. To bind multiple gestures, use combined gestures.

  • TapGesture
Name Description
onAction((event?:GestureEvent) => void) Callback invoked when a tap gesture is recognized.
  • GestureEvent attributes
Name Type Description
timestamp8+ number Timestamp of the event. It is interval between the time when the event is triggered and the time when the system starts, in nanoseconds.
target8+ EventTarget Display area of the element that triggers the gesture event.
source8+ SourceType Event input device.
repeat boolean Whether the event is triggered repeatedly. This parameter is used for the LongPressGesture event.
fingerList8+ FingerInfo[] Information about all fingers that trigger the event, which is used for the LongPressGesture and TapGesture events.
offsetX number Offset of the gesture event on the x-axis, in vp. This parameter is used for the PanGesture event.
offsetY number Offset of the gesture event on the y-axis, in vp. This parameter is used for the PanGesture event.
angle number Rotation angle for the RotationGesture event; angle of the swipe gesture for the SwipeGesture event, that is, the change in the included angle between the line segment created by the two fingers and the horizontal direction.
Angle calculation method: After a swipe gesture is recognized, a line connecting the two fingers is identified as the initial line. As the fingers swipe, the line between the fingers rotates. Based on the coordinates of the initial line's and current line's end points, an arc tangent function is used to calculate the respective included angle of the points relative to the horizontal direction by using the following formula: Rotation angle = arctan2(cy2-cy1,cx2-cx1) - arctan2(y2-y1,x2-x1) The initial line is used as the coordinate system. The clockwise rotation is 0 to 180 degrees, and the counter-clockwise rotation is –180 to 0 degrees.
speed8+ number Swipe gesture speed, that is, the average swipe speed of all fingers. The unit is vp/s. This attribute is used for the SwipeGesture event.
scale number Scale ratio. This attribute is used for the PinchGesture event.
pinchCenterX number X-coordinate of the center of the pinch gesture, in px. This attribute is used for the PinchGesture event.
pinchCenterY number Y-coordinate of the center of the pinch gesture, in px. This attribute is used for the PinchGesture event.
  • SourceType
Name Description
Unknown Unknown device type.
Mouse Mouse.
TouchScreen Touchscreen.
  • FingerInfo
Name Type Description
id number Index of a finger.
globalX number X-coordinate relative to the upper left corner of the application window.
globalY number Y-coordinate relative to the upper left corner of the application window.
localX number X-coordinate relative to the upper left corner of the current component.
localY number Y-coordinate relative to the upper left corner of the current component.


// xxx.ets
struct GestureSettingsExample {
  @State priorityTestValue: string = '';
  @State parallelTestValue: string = '';

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
        Text('TapGesture:' + this.priorityTestValue).fontSize(28)
            .onAction(() => {
              this.priorityTestValue += '\nText';
      .border({ width: 3 })
      // When priorityGesture is set, the tap gesture on the <Column> component is prioritized over the tap gesture on the child <Text> component.
        .onAction((event: GestureEvent) => {
          this.priorityTestValue += '\nColumn';
        }), GestureMask.IgnoreInternal)

      Column() {
        Text('TapGesture:' + this.parallelTestValue).fontSize(28)
            .onAction(() => {
              this.parallelTestValue += '\nText';
      .border({ width: 3 })
      // When parallelGesture is set, the tap gestures on the <Column> component and on the child <Text> component are both recognized.
        .onAction((event: GestureEvent) => {
          this.parallelTestValue += '\nColumn';
        }), GestureMask.Normal)
