
PanGesture is used to trigger a pan gesture, which requires a minimum 5 vp movement distance of a finger on the screen.


This gesture is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.


PanGesture(value?: { fingers?: number, direction?: PanDirection, distance?: number } | PanGestureOptions)


Name Type Mandatory Description
fingers number No Minimum number of fingers to trigger a pan gesture. The value ranges from 1 to 10.
Default value: 1
direction PanDirection No Pan direction. The enumerated value supports the AND (&) and OR (|) operations.
Default value: PanDirection.All
distance number No Minimum pan distance to trigger the gesture, in vp.
Default value: 5
If a pan gesture and tab swipe occur at the same time, set distance to 1 so that the gesture can be more easily recognized.


Name Description
All All directions.
Horizontal Horizontal panning.
Vertical Vertical panning.
Left Panning to the left.
Right Panning to the right.
Up Panning up.
Down Panning down.
None Panning disabled.


The attributes of the pan gesture recognizer can be dynamically modified using the PanGestureOptions API. This avoids modifying attributes through state variables, which will cause the UI to be refreshed.

PanGestureOptions(options?: { fingers?: number, direction?: PanDirection, distance?: number })


See the PanGesture parameters.


Name Description
setDirection(value: PanDirection) Sets the direction.
setDistance(value: number) Sets the distance.
setFingers(value: number) Sets the number of fingers.


Name Description
onActionStart(event: (event?: GestureEvent) => void) Invoked when a pan gesture is recognized.
onActionUpdate(event: (event?: GestureEvent) => void) Invoked when the pan gesture status is updated.
onActionEnd(event: (event?: GestureEvent) => void) Invoked when the finger used for a pan gesture is lift.
onActionCancel(event: () => void) Invoked when a tap cancellation event is received after a pan gesture is recognized.


// xxx.ets
struct PanGestureExample {
  @State offsetX: number = 0;
  @State offsetY: number = 0;
  @State positionX: number = 0;
  @State positionY: number = 0;
  private panOption: PanGestureOptions = new PanGestureOptions({ direction: PanDirection.Left | PanDirection.Right });

  build() {
    Column() {
      Column() {
        Text('PanGesture offset:\nX: ' + this.offsetX + '\n' + 'Y: ' + this.offsetY)
      .border({ width: 3 })
      .translate({ x: this.offsetX, y: this.offsetY, z: 0 })
      // Pan left or right to trigger the gesture event.
        .onActionStart((event: GestureEvent) => {
'Pan start');
        .onActionUpdate((event: GestureEvent) => {
          this.offsetX = this.positionX + event.offsetX;
          this.offsetY = this.positionY + event.offsetY;
        .onActionEnd(() => {
          this.positionX = this.offsetX;
          this.positionY = this.offsetY;
'Pan end');

      Button ('Set PanGesture Trigger Condition')
        .onClick(() => {
          // Set the pan gesture to be triggered by two fingers moving in any direction.


Pannig to the left:


Click Set PanGesture Trigger Condition to two fingers moving toward the lower left corner.
