0.0.5 (2021/06/21)

1. Updated LLVM from 10.0.1-53907 to 10.0.1-62608. Introduced support for ipcamera_hispark_taurus_linux.

2. Added the installation of Bison, Flex, bc, u-boot-tools, and gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi.

0.0.4 (2021/05/18)

1. Updated LLVM from 9.0.0-34042 to 10.0.1-53907.

2. Added the installation of the Vim, SSH, and Git tools.

0.0.3 (2021/04/26)

Added the installation of the hb tool.

0.0.2 (2020/12/23)

Added the installation of the tzdata, default-jre, default-jdk, Node.js, hmos_app_packing_tool, hapsigntoolv2, and hpm-cli tools.

0.0.1 (2020/10/28)

Provided a Docker build environment for OpenHarmony 1.0 and pre-installed build dependency tools.