Development Guidelines

The time management module provides APIs to implement conversion between the system running time, ticks, and seconds/milliseconds.

Available APIs

The following table describes APIs available for the OpenHarmony LiteOS-M time management. For more details about the APIs, see the API reference.

Table 1 APIs of the time management module




Time conversion


Converts milliseconds into ticks.


Converts ticks into milliseconds.


Converts cycles into milliseconds. Two UINT32 values indicate the high-order and low-order 32 bits of the result value, respectively.


Converts cycles into microseconds. Two UINT32 values indicate the high-order and low-order 32 bits of the result value, respectively.

Time statistics


Obtains the system clock.


Obtains the number of ticks since the system starts.


Obtains the number of cycles for each tick.

How to Develop

The typical development process of time management is as follows:

  1. Complete board configuration and adaptation as required, and configure the system clock frequency (OS_SYS_CLOCK in Hz and LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_PER_SECOND). The default value of OS_SYS_CLOCK varies with the hardware platform.
  2. Call the clock conversion and statistics APIs.


  • The time management module depends on OS_SYS_CLOCK and LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_PER_SECOND.
  • The number of system ticks is not counted when the interrupt feature is disabled. Therefore, the number of ticks cannot be used as the accurate time.
  • The configuration options are maintained in the target_config.h file of the development board project.

Development Example

Example Description

The following example describes basic time management methods, including:

  1. Time conversion: converts milliseconds to ticks or converts ticks to milliseconds.
  2. Time statistics: obtains the number of cycles per tick, number of ticks since system startup, and number of delayed ticks.

Sample Code


  • The default value of LOSCFG_BASE_CORE_TICK_PER_SECOND is 100.
  • The system clock frequency OS_SYS_CLOCK is configured.

Time conversion:

VOID Example_TransformTime(VOID)
    UINT32 ms;
    UINT32 tick;

    tick = LOS_MS2Tick(10000);    // Convert 10000 ms into ticks.
    dprintf("tick = %d \n", tick);
    ms = LOS_Tick2MS(100);        // Convert 100 ticks into ms.
    dprintf("ms = %d \n", ms);

Time statistics and delay:

VOID Example_GetTime(VOID)
    UINT32 cyclePerTick;
    UINT64 tickCount;

    cyclePerTick  = LOS_CyclePerTickGet();
    if(0 != cyclePerTick) {
        dprintf("LOS_CyclePerTickGet = %d \n", cyclePerTick);

    tickCount = LOS_TickCountGet();
    if(0 != tickCount) {
        dprintf("LOS_TickCountGet = %d \n", (UINT32)tickCount);

    tickCount = LOS_TickCountGet();
    if(0 != tickCount) {
        dprintf("LOS_TickCountGet after delay = %d \n", (UINT32)tickCount);


The development is successful if the return result is as follows:

Time conversion:

tick = 1000
ms = 1000

Time statistics and delay:

LOS_CyclePerTickGet = 495000 
LOS_TickCountGet = 1 
LOS_TickCountGet after delay = 201