Installing hpm-cli Tool

To develop a bundle, you first need to install the HarmonyOS Package Manager (hpm), a cross-platform command line tool developed based on Node.js. To run the hpm, you need to install Node.js, and then install the hpm using the Node Package Manager (npm).

Installing Node.js and hpm

  1. Install Node.js.

    Download Node.js from its official website and install it on your local PC.

    You are advised to install Node.js 12.x (including npm 6.14.4) or a later version (12.13.0 or later is recommended).

  2. Install the hpm-cli tool using npm delivered with Node.js. Run the following command:

    npm install -g @ohos/hpm-cli
  3. Run the following command to check whether the installation is successful. If an hpm version is displayed, the installation is successful.

    hpm -V or hpm --version
  4. (Optional) Run the following command to upgrade the hpm version if needed:

    npm update -g @ohos/hpm-cli

(Optional) Configuring hpm

After the hpm-cli tool is installed, run the following command to view the hpm configuration if you need to modify the configuration information, such as proxy and shell:

hpm config

Default hpm configurations are displayed upon successful command execution. You can modify the default configurations as required. The following lists common hpm configurations:

registry =
### login Settings
# loginUser = invitation_code

#### Path Settings
shellPath = C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe
# shellPath = C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe
# globalRepo = C:\Users\username\.hpm\global

#### Network Settings
# no_proxy = *
# http_proxy = http://user:pwd@proxy_server:port
# https_proxy = http://user:pwd@proxy_server:port
# strictSsl = true

#### Other Settings
# privateSupport = true|false
# ignoreBundles = @ohos/llvm,@ohos/gn,
# OSPlatform = Auto|linux|darwin|win32

For details about hpm-cli commands, see HPM Commands.

Downloading OpenHarmony Code

For details, see Source Code Acquisition.