appspawn Module

After appspawn is started by init, its service name (appspawn) is registered with the IPC framework. Upon receiving inter-process messages, appspawn starts the application service based on the message parsing result, and grants the corresponding permission to the application service.

You can obtain the macro definition APPSPAWN_SERVICE_NAME corresponding to appspawn by including the header file base\startup\appspawn_lite\services\include\appspawn_service.h. Due to some constraints on the security subsystem, only Ability Manager Service (AMS) has the permission to send inter-process messages to appspawn.

The messages are in JSON format, as shown in the following:


Table 1 Keys in messages




Name of the application service process to be started. The length ranges from 7 bytes to 127 bytes.


Identifier generated by the AMS for the new process. The length ranges from 1 byte to 24 bytes. The appspawn process passes the value to the new process.


UID of the application service process to be started. The value must be a positive number.


GID of the application service process to be started. The value must be a positive number.


Capability permissions required by the application service process to be started. A maximum of 10 capability permissions are allowed.