Gradient Styles

Gradient styles are commonly supported and can be set in the style attribute or a .css file. Gradients enable smooth transition between two or more specified colors.

This framework supports two gradient styles: linear gradient and repeating linear gradient.

Linear Gradient/Repeating Linear Gradient

To use the gradient style, you need to specify the transition direction and transition color.

  1. Transition direction: specified by direction or angle.

    • direction: gradient by direction
    • angle: gradient by angle
    background: linear-gradient(direction/angle, color, color, ...);
    background: repeating-linear-gradient(direction/angle, color, color, ...);
  2. Transition color: #ff0000, #ffff0000, rgb (255, 0, 0), and rgba (255, 0, 0, 1). At least two colors must be specified.

  • Parameters



    Default Value




    to <side-or-corner> <side-or-corner> = [left | right] || [top | bottom]

    to bottom (gradient from top to bottom)


    Transition direction. For example, to right (gradient from left to right) or

    to bottom right (from the top left to the bottom right).





    Transition direction. Angle between the gradient line and the y-axis (in the clockwise direction), with the geometric center of the element being the origin of coordinates and the horizontal axis being the x-axis.


    <color> [<length>|<percentage>]



    Colors among which smooth transitions are rendered.

  • Example:

    #gradient {
      height: 300px;
      width: 600px;

    Figure 1 Gradient from top to bottom (default)

    /* Gradient starts from red at the top to green at the bottom. */
    background: linear-gradient(red, #00ff00);

    Figure 2 Gradient at an angle of 45°

    /* Gradient at an angle of 45°, changing from red to green */
    background: linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(255,0,0),rgb(0, 255, 0));

    Figure 3 Gradient from left to right

    /* Gradient from left to right, which is available in the 270 px width between the left 90 px and the left 360 px (600*0.6) */
    background: linear-gradient(to right, rgb(255,0,0) 90px, rgb(0, 0, 255) 60%);

    Figure 4 Repeating gradient from left to right

    /* Repeating gradient from left to right, the area of which is 30 px (60-30) and the transparency is 0.5 */
    background: repeating-linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255, 255, 0, 1) 30px,rgba(0, 0, 255, .5) 60px);