Data Storage


  • The APIs of this module are no longer maintained since API Version 6, and you are advised to use

  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 3. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import storage from '';


get(Object): void

Reads the value stored in the cache based on the specified key.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.Preferences.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Key of the data to read.
default string No Default value returned when the key does not exist.
success Function No Called to return the value obtained when storage.get() is successful.
fail Function No Called when storage.get() fails. In the callback, data indicates the error information, and code indicates the error code.
complete Function No Called when storage.get() is complete.


export default {    
  storageGet() {        
      key: 'storage_key',            
      success: function(data) {                
        console.log('call storage.get success: ' + data);            
      fail: function(data, code) {                
        console.log('call storage.get fail, code: ' + code + ', data: ' + data);            
      complete: function() {                
        console.log('call complete');            


set(Object): void

Sets the value in the cache based on the specified key.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.Preferences.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Key of the data to set.
value string Yes New value to set. The length must be less than 128 bytes.
success Function No Called when storage.set() is successful.
fail Function No Called when storage.set() fails. In the callback, data indicates the error information, and code indicates the error code.
complete Function No Called when storage.set() is complete.


export default {    
  storageSet() {        
      key: 'storage_key',            
      value: 'storage value',            
      success: function() {                
        console.log('call storage.set success.');            
      fail: function(data, code) {                
        console.log('call storage.set fail, code: ' + code + ', data: ' + data);            


clear(Object): void

Clears the key-value pairs from the cache.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.Preferences.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
success Function No Called when storage.clear() is successful.
fail Function No Called when storage.clear() fails. In the callback, data indicates the error information, and code indicates the error code.
complete Function No Called when storage.clear() is complete.


export default {    
  storageClear() {        
      success: function() {                
        console.log('call storage.clear success.');            
      fail: function(data, code) {                
        console.log('call storage.clear fail, code: ' + code + ', data: ' + data);            


delete(Object): void

Deletes the key-value pair based on the specified key.

System capability: SystemCapability.DistributedDataManager.Preferences.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
key string Yes Key of the data to delete.
success Function No Called when storage.delete() is successful.
fail Function No Called when storage.delete() fails. In the callback, data indicates the error information, and code indicates the error code.
complete Function No Called when storage.delete() is complete.


export default {    
  storageDelete() {        
      key: 'Storage1',            
      success: function() {                
        console.log('call storage.delete success.');            
      fail: function(data, code) {                
        console.log('call storage.delete fail, code: ' + code + ', data: ' + data);            