Built-in Enums

Alignment Enums

Name Description
TopStart Top start.
Top Horizontally centered on the top.
TopEnd Top end.
Start Vertically centered start.
Center Horizontally and vertically centered.
End Vertically centered end.
BottomStart Bottom start.
Bottom Horizontally centered on the bottom.
BottomEnd Bottom end.

Axis Enums

Name Description
Vertical Vertical direction.
Horizontal Horizontal direction.

ItemAlign Enums

Name Description
Auto The default configuration in the Flex container is used.
Start The elements are in the Flex container, top-aligned in the cross-axis direction
Center The elements are in the Flex container, centered in the cross-axis direction.
End The elements are in the Flex container, bottom-aligned in the cross-axis direction.
Stretch The elements are in the Flex container, stretched and padded in the cross-axis direction. If the size is not set, the elements are stretched to the container size.
Baseline The elements are in the Flex container, text baseline aligned in the cross-axis direction.

LineCapStyle Enums

Name Description
Butt The ends of dividing lines are square.
Round The ends of dividing lines are rounded.
Square The ends of dividing lines are square.

PlayMode Enums

Name Description
Normal The animation is played normally.
Reverse The animation is played reversely.
Alternate The animation is played normally for an odd number of times (1, 3, 5...) and reversely for an even number of times (2, 4, 6...).
AlternateReverse The animation is played reversely for an odd number of times (1, 3, 5...) and normally for an even number of times (2, 4, 6...).

ImageRepeat Enums

Name Description
X Images are repeatedly drawn only on the horizontal axis.
Y Images are repeatedly drawn only on the vertical axis.
XY Images are repeatedly drawn on both axes.
NoRepeat Images are not repeatedly drawn.

TextDecorationType Enums

Name Description
Underline Line under the text.
LineThrough Line through the text.
Overline Line over the text.
None No decorative lines.

TextCase Enums

Name Description
Normal Normal case.
LowerCase All lowercase.
UpperCase All uppercase.

BarState Enums

Name Description
Off Hide.
On Display.
Auto Display on demand (displays when the screen is touched and disappears after 2s).

LayoutDirection Enums

Name Description
Row The child components are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs along the rows.
Column The child components are arranged in the same direction as the main axis runs down the columns.
RowReverse The child components are arranged opposite to the Row direction.
ColumnReverse The child components are arranged opposite to the Column direction.