Gradient Color

Create a more gorgeous look for a component by applying a gradient color effect to it.


This attribute is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Required Permissions



Name Type Default Value Description
linearGradient {
angle?: Angle,
colors: Array<ColorStop>
repeating?: boolean
- Linear gradient.
angle: angle of the linear gradient.
direction: direction of the linear gradient. It does not take effect when angle is set.
colors: description of the gradient colors.
repeating: whether the colors are repeated.
sweepGradient {
center: Point,
start?: angle,
end?: angle,
colors: Array<ColorStop>
repeating?: boolean
- Angle gradient.
center: center point of the angle gradient.
start: start point of the angle gradient.
end: end point of the angle gradient.
colors: description of the gradient colors.
repeating: whether the colors are repeated.
radialGradient {
center: Point,
radius: Length,
colors: Array<ColorStop>
repeating: boolean
- Radial gradient.
center: center point of the radial gradient.
radius: radius of the radial gradient.
colors: description of the gradient colors.
repeating: whether the colors are repeated.
  • GradientDirection

    Enumerates the gradient directions.

Name Description
Left The gradient direction is from right to left.
Top The gradient direction is from bottom to top.
Right The gradient direction is from left to right.
Bottom The gradient direction is from top to bottom.
LeftTop The gradient direction is upper left.
LeftBottom The gradient direction is lower left.
RightTop The gradient direction is upper right.
RightBottom The gradient direction is lower right.
None No gradient.


// xxx.ets
struct ColorGradientExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
          angle: 90,
          colors: [[0xAEE1E1, 0.0], [0xD3E0DC, 0.3], [0xFCD1D1, 1.0]]
          center: [50, 50],
          start: 0,
          end: 359,
          colors: [[0xAEE1E1, 0.0], [0xD3E0DC, 0.3], [0xFCD1D1, 1.0]]
          center: [50, 50],
          radius: 60,
          colors:[[0xAEE1E1, 0.0], [0xD3E0DC, 0.3], [0xFCD1D1, 1.0]]
    .padding({ top: 5 })
