Text Picker Dialog Box

icon-note.gif NOTE This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

You can display a text picker in a dialog box to allow users to select text from the given range.

Required Permissions



show(options: TextPickerDialogOptions)

Shows a text picker in the given settings.

  • TextPickerDialogOptions
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
range string[] Yes - Data selection range of the picker.
selected number No First element Index value of the selected item in the range.
defaultPickerItemHeight number No - Height of the default selected item in the picker.
onAccept (value: TextPickerResult) => void No - Triggered when the OK button in the dialog box is clicked.
onCancel () => void No - Triggered when the Cancel button in the dialog box is clicked.
onChange (value: TextPickerResult) => void No - Triggered when the selected item in the picker changes.
  • TextPickerResult
Name Type Description
value string Text of the selected item.
index number Index value of the selected item in the range.


struct TextPickerDialogExample {
  @State select: number = 1
  private fruits: string[] = ['apple1', 'orange2', 'peach3', 'grape4']

  build() {
    Flex({direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center,
      justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
      Button("TextPickerDialog").onClick(() => {
          range: this.fruits,
          selected: this.select,
          onAccept: (value: TextPickerResult) => {
            console.info("TextPickerDialog:onAccept()" + JSON.stringify(value))
            this.select = value.index
          onCancel: () => {
          onChange: (value: TextPickerResult) => {
            console.info("TextPickerDialog:onChange()" + JSON.stringify(value))