

This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

The <Path> component is used to draw a path.

Required Permissions


Child Components

Not supported


Path(value?: { width?: number | string, height?: number | string, commands?: string })

  • Parameters
me Type Mandatory Default Value Description
width number | string No 0 Width of the rectangle where the path is located.
height number | string No 0 Height of the rectangle where the path is located.
commands string No '' Command string for drawing the path.


Name Type Default Value Mandatory Description
width number | string 0 No Width of the rectangle where the path is located.
height number | string 0 No Height of the rectangle where the path is located.
commands string '' No Command string for drawing the path.

The supported commands are as follows:

  • M = moveto

  • L = lineto

  • H = horizontal lineto

  • V = vertical lineto

  • C = curveto

  • S = smooth curveto

  • Q = quadratic Belzier curve

  • T = smooth quadratic Belzier curveto

  • A = elliptical Arc

  • Z = closepath

For example, the command M0 20 L50 50 L50 100 Z defines a path that starts from (0, 20), reaches (50, 50) and then (50, 100), and ends at (0, 20).


struct PathExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 5 }) {
      Text('Straight line').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Path().width(300).height(10).commands('M0 0 L900 0').stroke(Color.Black).strokeWidth(3)

      Text('Straight line graph').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround }) {
        // Run MoveTo(150, 0), LineTo(300, 300), LineTo(0, 300), and ClosePath() in sequence.
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands('M150 0 L300 300 L0 300 Z')
        // Run MoveTo(0, 0), HorizontalLineto(300), VerticalLineto(300), HorizontalLineto(0), and ClosePath() in sequence.
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands('M0 0 H300 V300 H0 Z')
        // Run MoveTo(150, 0), LineTo(0, 150), LineTo(60, 300), LineTo(240, 300), LineTo(300, 150), and ClosePath() in sequence.
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands('M150 0 L0 150 L60 300 L240 300 L300 150 Z')

      Text('Curve graphics').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Flex({ justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround }) {
        / / Run MoveTo(0, 300), draw a curve between (150, 0) and (300, 300), and then run ClosePath().
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands("M0 300 S150 0 300 300 Z")
        / / Run MoveTo(0, 150), draw a curve among (0, 150), (150, 0), and (300, 150), and then run ClosePath().
        Path().width(100).height(100).commands('M0 150 C0 150 150 0 300 150 L150 300 Z')
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
