
Key API/Component Changes

IPC Subsystem

cl.rpc.1 sendRequest Return Value Type Change

Change Impact

The sendRequest method in the JS modules RemoteProxy and RemoteObject is changed to an asynchronous interface. The new version uses a Promise object to return a SendRequestResult instance. Existing applications need to be adapted.

Key API/Component Changes
Module: ohos.rpc.IRemoteObject, ohos.rpc.RemoteProxy and ohos.rpc.RemoteObject
Old method: sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): boolean

New method:
sendRequest(code: number, data: MessageParcel, reply: MessageParcel, options: MessageOption): Promise<SendRequestResult>

Adaptation Guidelines

import rpc from "@ohos.rpc"

let option = new rpc.MessageOption()
let data = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
let reply = rpc.MessageParcel.create()
proxy.sendRequest(1, data, reply, option)
	.then(function(result) {"send request done")
		if (result.errCode === 0) {
			// read result from result.reply
	.catch(function(e) {
		console.error("send request failed: " + e)
	.finally(() => {