Explicit Animation

icon-note.gif NOTE This animation is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Name Description
animateTo(value: AnimationOptions, event: ()=> void) : void Provides a transition animation when the status changes due to the closure code.
event specifies the closure function that displays the dynamic effect. The system automatically inserts the transition animation if the status changes in the closure function.


  • Attributes
Name Type Default Value Description
duration number 1000 Animation duration, in ms.
tempo number 1.0 Animation playback speed. A larger value indicates faster animation playback, and a smaller value indicates slower animation playback. The value 0 means that there is no animation.
curve Curve | Curves Linear Animation curve.
delay number 0 Delay of animation playback, in ms. By default, the playback is not delayed.
iterations number 1 Number of times that the animation is played. By default, the animation is played once. The value -1 indicates that the animation is played for an unlimited number of times.
playMode PlayMode Normal Animation playback mode. By default, the animation is played from the beginning after the playback is complete.
  • APIs
Name Description
onFinish() => void Callback invoked when the animation playback is complete.


struct AnimateToExample {
  @State widthSize: number = 200
  @State heightSize: number = 100
  private flag: boolean = true

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button('click me')
        .onClick((event: ClickEvent) => {
          // Animation configuration for the width and height attributes of the Button component
          if (this.flag) {
            duration: 1000, // Animation duration
            tempo: 0.5, // Playback speed
            curve: Curve.EaseInOut, // Animation curve
            delay: 200, // Animation delay
          iterations: 1, // Number of playback times
            playMode: PlayMode.Normal, // Animation mode
              onFinish: () => {
                console.info('play end')
            }, () => {
              this.widthSize = 100
              this.heightSize = 50
          } else {
            duration: 200, // Animation duration
            curve: Curve.Ease, // Animation curve
            delay: 200, // Animation delay
          iterations: 1, // Number of playback times
            playMode: PlayMode.Normal, // Animation mode
              onFinish: () => {
                console.info('play end')
            }, () => {
              this.widthSize = 200
              this.heightSize = 100
          this.flag = !this.flag
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 5 })
