init Module


The init module starts key service processes during system startup. If you would like to add a system service that automatically starts upon system startup, you can add a configuration file named in the xxx.cfg format. The system automatically analyzes the .cfg file and starts the corresponding service.

  • Configuration file of the init module

    The configuration file of the init module, that is, init.cfg, contains service names, executable file paths, permissions, and other information of all key system services that need to be started by the init process. The file can be found in /etc/ after burning is complete. The file is in JSON format, and its size cannot exceed 100 KB.

    After the init process starts, it reads the /etc/init.cfg file, parses the content in JSON format, and loads system services in sequence based on the parsing result.

    If you need to add a key service to a module, you can also add the .cfg file of the module. The file will be copied to the /system/etc/init directory during compilation.

    The init process scans the .cfg files in the /etc/init directory and parses them one by one. The following describes the file scanning rules and format.

    • File scanning rules

      For the mini and standard systems, the same API is used for scanning .cfg files. The code is as follows:

      void ReadConfig(void)
          // parse cfg
          if (InChargerMode() == 1) {
              ParseInitCfg(INIT_CONFIGURATION_FILE, NULL);
              ReadFileInDir(OTHER_CHARGE_PATH, ".cfg", ParseInitCfg, NULL);
          } else if (InUpdaterMode() == 0) {
              ParseInitCfg(INIT_CONFIGURATION_FILE, NULL);
              ReadFileInDir(OTHER_CFG_PATH, ".cfg", ParseInitCfg, NULL);
              ReadFileInDir("/vendor/etc/init", ".cfg", ParseInitCfg, NULL);
          } else {
              ReadFileInDir("/etc", ".cfg", ParseInitCfg, NULL);

      The macro definition in the code is as follows:

      #define INIT_CONFIGURATION_FILE "/etc/init.cfg"
      #define OTHER_CHARGE_PATH "/system/etc/charge"
      #define OTHER_CFG_PATH "/system/etc/init"

      The following describes how the init process scans .cfg files in normal system startup. File scanning in charging mode and update mode is beyond the scope of this document.

      1. Call the file parsing API to parse the /etc/init.cfg file, because this file is one that needs to be preferentially parsed.
      2. Traverse the .cfg files in the /etc/init directory, and call the parsing API to parse the file when a .cfg file is matched. (/etc is a symbolic link pointing to /system/etc and can be regarded as an equivalent.)
      3. Traverse the .cfg files in the /vendor/etc/init directory, and call the parsing API to parse the file when a .cfg file is matched. The .cfg files in this directory are usually related to the hardware platform.
    • File format

      The .cfg file format is as follows:

          "import" : [
          "jobs" : [{
                  "name" : "example-stage",
                  "cmds" : [
                      "write /example/file 0",
                      "start example"
          "services" : [{
                  "name" : "example",
                  "path" : ["/system/bin/example"],

      As mentioned earlier, a .cfg file is a text file in JSON format. For the startup module, the init process is required to parse the following types of JSON objects in the .cfg file: import, jobs, and services. The three types of JSON objects are described as follows:

      1. import: other .cfg files into the current .cfg file. These files will be parsed in sequence after the current .cfg file is parsed.
      2. jobs: command set with a name. Execution of a job is the process of executing commands in cmds one by one in sequence. Details about how to trigger a job will be provided in the following sections.
      3. services: a collection of services. The simplest service can be one that has only a name and an executable file path. The basic logic of a service is to fork a subprocess in the init process and then run the executable file of the service in the subprocess. Services form the core of the startup module. The service configuration in the .cfg file also includes various attributes and service control modes. More details will be provided in the following sections.
  • init service startup control (for standard system or higher)

    The init process classifies services into three types based on service configurations and starts the services in different phases.

    • boot: services that need to be preferentially started in the system. This type of services are started in the init phase.
    • normal: common services in the system. This type of services are started in the post-init phase. This is the default service type.
    • condition: services that are started based on the specified conditions. You can run the start xxx command to start such a service. Generally, this type of services are started in a condition job or in a certain phase of the init process.

    If dependencies exist between services or between services and commands, you need to use condition to describe services. For example:

    "services" : [{
        "name" : "serviceName",
        "start-mode" : "condition",
  • init parallel service control (for standard system or higher)

    The init module provides the parallel service processing function, which allows services to execute jobs in different phases.

    • on-start: a job executed after the service process is forked. The on-start jobs of different services can be executed in parallel. (The on-start job is executed in the subprocess of the service and affects only the subprocess.)
    • on-stop: a job executed when the service is stopped.
    • on-restart: a job executed when the service is restarted.

    The following is the example configuration:

    "services" : [{
        "name" : "serviceName",
        "jobs" : {
            "on-boot" : "boot",
            "on-start" : "services:serviceName_start",
            "on-stop" : "services:serviceName_stop",
            "on-restart" : "services:serviceName_restart"
  • init on-demand startup (for standard system or higher)

    Services managed by the init process can be started on demand. Such services are not automatically started during system startup. Instead, they are started by the init process only when a certain event occurs. Typical events that trigger service startup are as follows: Messages are sent over the socket listened by the init process. The samgr process receives a request from the client and needs to start the SA service.

    The ondemand attribute indicates whether a service is started on demand. If this attribute is set to true for a service, the service does not need to be started by running the start command. Instead, it is started only when the corresponding event occurs.

    The following is the example configuration:

    "services" : [{
      "name" : "serviceName",
      "ondemand" : true,
    • SA process on-demand startup
      1. When an application requests an SA handle, the samgr process checks whether the process to which the SA belongs can be dynamically started.
      2. If the SA process needs to be started, the samgr process blocks the request. After the init process starts and registers the SA process, the samgr process returns the SA handle.
    • Socket process on-demand startup
      1. The init process creates a socket for socket processes in the pre-fork phase and listens to network events on this socket.
      2. When messages are detected on the socket, the init process starts the socket process for message processing. The init process then stops listening to network data over the socket and waits until the socket process completes message processing.
      3. If no more messages need to be processed, the socket process can automatically exit. After that, the init process reclaims the subprocess and listens to network data over the socket again.
    • The hot swap service process is started as required. Hot swap events can be started as required based on system parameter changes.
  • Enhanced init process startup and recycling

    The CPU core binding, priority, MAC address, and AccessToken information of the service process can be configured in the configuration file during process startup.

    • Support of CPU core binding for service processes (through modification of the *.cfg file)
    • Support of priority setting for service processes (through modification of the *.cfg file)
    • Support of MAC address setting (that is, SELinux tag setting) for service processes (through modification of the *.cfg file)
    • Support of AccessToken setting for service processes and distributed capability setting for system service processes (through modification of the *.cfg file)
    • Support of the suppression mechanism for service processes (through modification of the *.cfg file)

    The following is the example configuration for enhanced init process startup and recycling:

    "services" : [{
        "name" : "serviceName",
        "importance" : 1,           // Priority setting for service processes
        "cpucore" : [0],            // CPU binding for service processes
        "critical" : [1, 5, 10],    // Suppression for service processes
        "apl" : "normal",           // Ability privilege level setting for service processes
        "d-caps" : ["OHOS_DMS"],    // Distributed capability setting for service processes
        "secon" : "u:r:distributedsche:s0" // SELinux tag setting for service processes. In this example, u:r:distributedsche:s0 is the SELinux tag.
  • init fd proxy (for standard system or higher)

    fd proxy is an extended mechanism for on-demand startup. It can ensure that the fd state handle is not lost before the service process exits. Specifically, a service process sends the fd to the init process before it exits, and then reclaims the fd from the init process when it is started again.

    This mechanism is implemented using the API provided by the init process. Before a service process exits, it can call the related API to send the fd to the init process over the socket that supports IPC communication. After the service process is restarted, the init process returns the corresponding fd handle to it in the same way. For details about the APIs, see fd Proxy APIs.

  • init job

    A job provided by the init process. It is actually a set of commands. A job can be configured in the init.cfg file or the custom .cfg file of the module. The parser of the init process aggregates commands of the jobs with the same name into one job. For jobs with the same name, the init process only ensures that the commands in the init.cfg file are executed in preference. It does not guarantee the execution sequence of commands in other .cfg files.

    • Common job: A job executed in a fixed phase during init process startup, for example, pre-init, init, or post-init.
    • Custom job: A job is triggered based on certain rules.
      • Job: A user-defined job, which can be executed using the trigger command.
      • Control job (for standard system or higher): A job triggered based on specified conditions. You can set trigger conditions in such a job. When the corresponding attribute values meet the trigger conditions, the job will be triggered. && and || operations are supported for trigger conditions, and these operations can be used in flexible combinations as needed.
  • bootchart plug-in

    The bootchart plug-in is an open source tool used to evaluate system performance during Linux startup. It automatically collects information such as the CPU usage, disk throughput, and process status, and displays the evaluation result in graphics to facilitate system startup optimization. For details about the commands provided by begetctl, see begetctl Command Description.

    The following describes how to use begetctl in detail.


    1. Prepare the test environment by installing Python and PyCairo in Linux. pip install pycairo
    2. Decompress bootchart-master.tar. tar -zxvf bootchart-master.tar

    Operation Procedure

    1. Start the system.
    2. Run the begetctl bootchart enable command.
    3. Restart the system.
    4. Run the begetctl bootchart stop command.
    5. Run the begetctl bootchart disable command.
    6. Export the following files from the /data/bootchart directory:
      Save the files to the bootchart folder.
    7. Run the tar -zcvf bootchart.tgz * command to compress the bootchart.tgz file (only the Linux version is supported) and copy the compressed file to the linux:bootchart-master directory.
    8. Go to the bootchart-master directory and run the python3 -f pdf bootchart.tgz command.

    Expected Result
            A bootchart.pdf file is generated in the bootchart-master directory.

Development Guidelines

  1. Configure the jobs array. The init module completes the system startup in three phases:

    • pre-init: operations required before system services are started, for example, mounting a file system, creating a folder, and modifying permissions.
    • init: operations required for starting system services.
    • post-init: operations required after system services are started.
    "jobs" : [{
             "name" : "pre-init",
             "cmds" : [
                 "mkdir /testdir",
                 "chmod 0700 /testdir",
                 "chown 99 99 /testdir",
                 "mount vfat /dev/mmcblk0p0 /testdir2 noexec nosuid" // mount command (format: mount file system type source target flags data)
             }, {
                 "name" : "init",
                 "cmds" : [
                     "start service1",
                 }, {
                     "name" : "post-init",
                     "cmds" : []

    Table 1 Job description

Job Description
pre-init Job that is executed first. Operations (for example, creating a folder) required before the process startup are executed in the pre-init job.
init Job that is executed in between. Operations (for example, service startup) are executed in this job.
post-init Job that is finally executed. Operations (for example, mounting the device after the driver initialization) required after the process startup are executed in this job. A single job can hold a maximum of 30 commands (Only start, mkdir, chmod, chown, mount, and loadcfg are supported currently). The command name and parameters (128 bytes or less) must be separated by only one space.
 **Table 2** Commands supported by a job
Command Format and Example Description System Type
mkdir mkdir target folder
mkdir /storage/myDirectory
Creates a folder. mkdir and the target folder must be separated by only one space. Small and standard
chmod chmod permission target
chmod 0600 /storage/myFile.txt
chmod 0750 /storage/myDir
Modifies the permission, which must be in the 0xxx format. chmod, permission, and target must be separated by only one space. Small and standard
chown chown uid gid target
chown 900 800 /storage/myDir
chown 100 100 /storage/myFile.txt
Modifies the owner group. chown, uid, gid, and target must be separated by only one space. Small and standard
mount mount fileSystemType src dst flags data
mount vfat /dev/mmcblk0 /sdc rw,umask=000
mount jffs2 /dev/mtdblock3 /storage nosuid
Mounts devices. Every two parameters must be separated by only one space. Currently, supported flags include nodev, noexec, nosuid, rdonly, and optionally data. Small and standard
start start serviceName
start foundation
start shell
Starts services. start must be followed by serviceName, and serviceName must be contained in the services array. Small and standard
export export key value
export TEST /data/test
Exports environment variables. key and value respectively indicate the environment variable and its value. Small and standard
rm rm filename
rm /data/testfile
Removes a file. filename indicates the absolute file path. Small and standard
rmdir rmdir dirname
rmdir /data/testdir
Removes a directory. dirname indicates the absolute path of the directory. Small and standard write write filename value
write /data/testfile 0
Writes a file. filename and value respectively indicate the absolute file path and the string to write. Small and standard
stop stop servicename
stop console
Stops a service. servicename indicates the name of the service to stop. Small and standard
copy copy oldfile newfile
copy /data/old /data/new
Copies a file. oldfile and newfile respectively indicate the old and new absolute file paths. Small and standard
reset reset servicename
reset console
Resets a service. servicename indicates the name of the service to reset. If the service has not been started, this command will start the service. If the service is running, the command will stop the service and then restart it. Small and standard
reboot reboot subsystem
reboot updater
Restarts the system. subsystem is optional. If it is not specified, the device enters the current system upon restarting. If it is specified, the device enters the correspoding subsystem upon restarting. For example, if you run reboot updater, the device enters the updater subsystem upon restarting. Small and standard
sleep sleep time
sleep 5
Enters the sleep state. time indicates the sleep time. Small and standard
domainname domainname name
domainname localdomain
Sets a domain name. Small and standard
hostname hostname name
hostname localhost
Sets a host name. Small and standard
wait wait PID
wait pid
Waits for a command. Small and standard
setrlimit setrlimit resource curValue maxValue Sets limitations on resource usage. Small and standard
write write path content
write /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq 0
Writes a file. Small and standard
exec exec Path of the executable file Parameters passed by the executable file
exec /system/bin/udevadm trigger
Runs an executable file. Small and standard
mknode mknod name { b | c } Major Minor
mknod path b 0644 1 9
Creates an index node corresponding to a directory entry and a special file. For details, see the mknod command. Standard
makedev makedev major minor
makedev -v update
Creates a static device node, which is usually in the /dev directory. Standard
symlink symlink path1 path2
symlink /proc/self/fd/0 /dev/stdin
Creates a symbolic link. Standard
trigger trigger jobName
trigger early-fs
Triggers a job. Standard
insmod insmod ko file
insmod xxx.ko
Loads a kernel module file. Standard
setparam setparam paramname paramvalue
setparam sys.usb.config hdc
Sets a system parameter. Standard
load_persist_params load persist params
Loads persist parameters. There must be one and only one space after the load_persist_params command. Standard
load_param load params
load_param /data/test.normal.para
Loads the parameters from a file to the memory. Standard
load_access_token_id Example:
Writes the access token to the data/service/el0/access_token/nativetoken.json file. There is one and only one space after load_access_token_id. Standard
ifup ifup NIC
ifup eth0
Activates the specified NIC. Standard
mount_fstab mount_fstab fstab.test
mount_fstab /vendor/etc/fstab.test
Mounts partitions based on the fstab file. Standard
umount_fstab umount_fstab fstab.test
umount_fstab /vendor/etc/fstab.test
Unmounts partitions based on the fstab file. Standard
restorecon restorecon file or dir
restorecon /file
Reloads the SELinux context. Standard
stopAllServices stopAllServices [bool]
stopAllServices false
Stops all services. Standard
umount umount path
umount /vendor
Unmounts a mounted device. Standard
sync Example:
Writes data to the disk synchronously. There is only one and only one space after sync. Standard
timer_start timer_start serviceName
timer_start console
Starts the service timer. Standard
timer_stop timer_stop serviceName
timer_stop console
Stops the service timer. Standard
init_global_key init_global_key path
init_global_key /data
Initializes the encryption key of the data partition file. Standard
init_main_user Example:
Encrypts the main user directory. Standard
mkswap mkswap file
mkswap /swapfile1
Creates a swap partition on a file or device. Standard
swapon swapon file
swapon /swapfile1
Activates the swap space. Standard
loadcfg loadcfg filePath
loadcfg /patch/fstab.cfg
Loads other .cfg files. The maximum size of the target file (Only /patch/fstab.cfg supported currently) is 50 KB. Each line in the /patch/fstab.cfg file is a command. The command types and formats must comply with their respective requirements mentioned in this table. A maximum of 20 commands are allowed. Small
  1. Configure the services array, which holds all system services that need to be started by the init process.

    "services" : [{
        "name" : "service1",
        "path" : ["/bin/process1", "param1", "param2"],
        "uid" : 1,
        "gid" : 1,
        "once" : 0,
        "importance" : 1,
        "caps" : [0, 1, 2, 5],
        "start-mode" : "condition",
        "cpucore" : [0],
        "critical" : [0, 5, 10],
        "apl" : "normal",
        "d-caps" : ["OHOS_DMS"],
        "jobs" : {
            "on-boot" : "boot",
            "on-start" : "services:service1_start",
            "on-stop" : "services:service1_stop",
            "on-restart" : "services:service1_restart"
    }, {
        "name" : "service2",
        "path" : "/bin/process2",
        "uid" : 2,
        "gid" : 2,
        "once" : 1,
        "importance" : 0,
        "caps" : [ ],
        "cpucore" : 0,
        "critical" : [ ],
        "apl" : "normal",
        "d-caps" : [ ]

    Table 3 Service field description

Field Description Value System Type
name Name of the current service. Type: string. The value cannot be empty and can contain a maximum of 32 bytes. Small and standard
path Full path (including parameters) of the current service's executable file, in array. The first element is the path of the executable file, and the maximum number of elements is 20.
Each element is a string that contains a maximum of 64 bytes.
Small and standard
uid User ID (UID) of the current service process. Type: int Small and standard
gid Group ID (GID) of the current service process. Type: int Small and standard
once Whether the current service process is a one-off process. 1: The current service process is a one-off process. If the process exits, the init process does not restart it.
0: The current service process is not a one-off process. If the process exits, the init process restarts it upon receiving the SIGCHLD signal.
Small and standard
importance Current service priority. Standard system:
The service priority ranges from -20 to 19. A value beyond the range is invalid.
Small-scale system:
0: unimportant process
non-0: important process
Small and standard
caps Capabilities required by the current service. They are evaluated based on the capabilities supported by the security subsystem and configured in accordance with the principle of least permission. Type: number or string array. If you set the value to a number, use the standard Linux capability. If you set the value to a string array, use the standard macro name. Small and standard
critical Suppression mechanism for services. If the number of times a service is restarted exceeds the value N within the specified period T, the system will be restarted. Standard system:
Type: int array, for example, "critical": [M, N, T].
- M: enable flag (0: disable; 1: enable).
- N: number of times the service is started.
- T: period of time, in seconds.
Both M and N must be greater than 0.
Small and standard systems:
Type: int, for example, "critical": M.
M: enable flag (0: disable; 1: enable).
By default, N is 4 and T is 20.
Small and standard
cpucore Number of CPU cores to be bound to the service. Type: int array, for example, "cpucore": [N1, N2, ...]. N1 and N2 indicate the indices of the CPU cores to be bound.
For a single-core device, cpucore is 0.
Small and standard
d-caps Service distribution capability. (Available only for the standard system or higher) Type: string array, for example, "d-caps": ["OHOS_DMS"]. Standard
apl Ability privilege level. (Available only for the standard system or higher) Type: string, for example, "apl": "system_core".
The value can be system_core (default), normal, or system_basic.
start-mode Service startup mode. (Available only for the standard system or higher) Type: string, for example, "start-mode": "condition".
The value can be boot, normal, or condition. For details, see init service startup control.
jobs Jobs that can be executed by the current service in different phases. For details, see init parallel control. Small and standard
ondemand Whether to enable on-demand service startup. Type: bool, for example, "ondemand": true. For small systems, this feature is available only on the Linux kernel. For details, see init on-demand startup. Small and standard
disable Reserved. Small and standard
  1. Add socket and on-demand startup configurations for a service.

    You can configure the socket attribute for a service in the JSON format. If a service is configured with the socket attribute, the init process will create a socket for the service upon startup. The socket creation time depends on whether on-demand startup is enabled for the service.

    • If on-demand startup is enabled, the init process creates the socket based on the socket configuration obtained from parsing the service.
    • If on-demand startup is disabled, the init process creates a socket before executing the executable file to start the service.

    No matter whether on-demand startup is enabled, a service needs to obtain the handle of the socket created by the init process upon startup, so that it can take over the socket from the init process. If on-demand startup is enabled, the init process can also take future processing. Specifically, after creating a socket based on the parsed socket configuration, the init process checks whether the ondemand attribute of the service is true. If yes, the init process listens to messages sent over the socket in polling mode. When a message is received, the init process stops listening and starts the service to take over the socket and process message.

    The following uses the ueventd service as an example to explain how to add socket and on-demand startup configurations.

    "services" : [{
       "name" : "ueventd",
       "path" : ["/system/bin/ueventd"],
       "socket" : [{
           "name" : "ueventd",
           "family" : "AF_NETLINK",
           "type" : "SOCK_DGRAM",
           "protocol" : "NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT",
           "permissions" : "0660",
           "uid" : "system",
           "gid" : "system",
           "option" : [
       "critical" : [ 0, 5, 15],
       "ondemand" : true,
       "start-mode" : "condition"

    Table 4 Socket field description

Field Description
name Name of the socket. It does not need to be the same as the service name. The value must not be empty and can contain a maximum of 32 bytes.
family Address family to which the socket belongs. Currently, the AF_UNIX and AF_NETLINK families are supported.
type Socket type. Currently, connection-based sockets, SOCK_SEQPACKET and SOCK_STREAM, and UDP-based connectionless socket, SOCK_DGRAM, are supported.
protocol Protocol used for socket communication. Unless otherwise required, set the value to default so that the socket automatically selects a proper protocol based on the socket address family and socket type. In addition to the default protocol, the NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT protocol is also supported.
permissions Permissions of the socket node file. This field is valid only for sockets that have entity node files, such as the AF_UNIX address family.
uid User ID of the socket node file. This field is valid only for sockets that have entity node files, such as the AF_UNIX address family.
gid Group ID of the socket node file. This field is valid only for sockets that have entity node files, such as the AF_UNIX address family.
option Socket option. This field is passed when setsockopt is called. Currently, the available options include SOCKET_OPTION_PASSCRED, SOCKET_OPTION_RCVBUFFORCE, SOCK_CLOEXEC, and SOCK_NONBLOCK.
**Table 5** fd proxy APIs<a name="table14737791479"></a>
API Description Parameters
int *ServiceGetFd(const char *serviceName, size_t *outfdCount) Obtains the fd from the init process. Return value: Returns the pointer to the fd array if the operation is successful; returns NULL otherwise. (Note: Manual release is required.)
serviceName: service name.
outfdCount: length of the returned fd array.
int ServiceSaveFd(const char *serviceName, int *fds, int fdCount) Requests the init process for fd proxy. Return value: Returns 0 if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
fds: pointer to the fd array for fd proxy.
fdCount: length of the fd array
int ServiceSaveFdWithPoll(const char *serviceName, int *fds, int fdCount) Requests fd proxy in poll mode. Return value: Returns 0 if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
fds: pointer to the fd array.
fdCount: length of the fd array.
** Table 6** Service control APIs
API Description Parameters
int ServiceControlWithExtra(const char *serviceName, int action, const char *extArgv[], int extArgc) Configures service parameters. Return value: Returns 0 if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
action: service action, which can be start, stop, or restart.
extArgv: parameter array.
extArgc: number of parameters.
int ServiceControl(const char *serviceName, int action) Controls the service behavior. Return value: Returns 0 if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
action: service action, which can be start, stop, or restart.
int ServiceWaitForStatus(const char *serviceName, ServiceStatus status, int waitTimeout) Waiting for service status Return value: Returns 0 if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
status: service status.
waitTimeout: waiting timeout interval.
int ServiceSetReady(const char *serviceName) Sets a service as being ready. Return value: Returns 0 if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
int StartServiceByTimer(const char *serviceName, uint64_t timeout) Starts a service by timer. Return value: Returns 0 if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
timeout: timeout interval.
int StopServiceTimer(const char *serviceName) Stops a service timer. Return value: Returns 0 if the operation is successful; returns -1 otherwise.
serviceName: service name.
**Table 7** begetctl commands<a name="table14737791480"></a>
Command Format and Example Description
init group test [stage] Initializes a group test.
init group test
For details about stage, see ServiceStatus.
param ls [-r] [name] Displays system parameters.
begetctl param ls persist.sys.usb
param get [name] Obtains system parameter information
begetctl param get
param get
param set name value Sets system parameters.
begetctl param set ohos.servicectrl.display 1
param set ohos.servicectrl.display 1
param wait name [value] [timeout] Waits for system parameters.
begetctl param wait persist.sys.usb.config hdc
param wait persist.sys.usb.config hdc
The default value of timeout is 30.
param dump [verbose] Dumps system parameter information.
begetctl param dump
param dump
param shell [name] Enters the parameter shell.
begetctl param shell
param shell
timer_stop servicename Stops the service timer.
begetctl timer_stop appspawn
The value of servicename can contain a maximum of 96 characters.
timer_start servicename timeout Starts the service timer.
begetctl timer_start appspawn
The value of servicename can contain a maximum of 96 characters. The default value of timeout is 10.
start_service servicename Starts a service.
begetctl start_service appspawn
start_service appspawn
stop_service servicename Stops a service.
begetctl stop_service appspawn
stop_service appspawn
service_control start servicename Starts a service.
begetctl service_control start appspawn
service_control start appspawn
service_control stop servicename Stops a service.
begetctl service_control stop appspawn
service_control stop appspawn
misc_daemon --write_logo xxx.rgb Writes the startup logo.
begetctl misc_daemon --write_logo logo.rgb
misc_daemon --write_logo logo.rgb
The maximum size of an RGB file is 1024*2038. Only Hi3516D V300 is supported.
reboot Restarts the system.
begetctl reboot
reboot shutdown Shuts down the system.
begetctl reboot shutdown
reboot shutdown
reboot suspend Suspends the system.
begetctl reboot suspend
reboot suspend
reboot updater Restarts the system and enters updater.
begetctl reboot updater
reboot updater
reboot updater[:options] Restarts the system and enters updater.
begetctl reboot updater
reboot updater
reboot flashd Restarts the system and enters flashd.
begetctl reboot flashd
reboot flashd
reboot flashd[:options] Restarts the system and enters flashd.
begetctl reboot flashd
reboot flashd
reboot charging Restarts the system and enters the charging mode.
begetctl reboot charging
reboot charging
reboot loader Restarts the system and enters the burning mode.
begetctl reboot loader
reboot loader
bootchart stop Stops chart analysis.
begetctl bootchart stop
Only rk3568 is supported.
bootchart start Starts chart analysis.
begetctl bootchart start
bootchart disable Disables chart analysis.
begetctl bootchart disable
bootchart enable Enables chart analysis.
begetctl bootchart enable

Development Example

The following uses the MySystemApp service as an example to illustrate how to use the init process to start a system service.

  "jobs" : [{
  "name" : "pre-init",
  "cmds" : [
      "mkdir /storage/MyDir",      // Create a folder before starting the MySystemApp service. This operation is executed in the pre-init job.
     "chmod 0600 /storage/MyDir",          // Modify the permission because the MySystemApp service requires that only the current user and its owner group have the read and write permissions on the file.
     "chown 10 10 /storage/MyDir"
}, {
     "name" : "init",
     "cmds" : [
         "start MySystemApp"         // Start the MySystemApp service in the init job.
}, {
   "name" : "post-init",
   "cmds" : []                     // Do not configure the post-init job because no other operations are required after the MySystemApp system service is started.
  "services" : [{
      "name" : "MySystemApp",       // Name of the system service
      "path" : ["/bin/MySystemAppExe", "param1", "param2", "param3"],    // The executable file path of the MySystemApp service is /bin/MySystemAppExe. To start the service, three parameters ("param1", "param2", and "param3") need to be passed.
      "uid" : 20,         // The UID of the MySystemApp service is 20.
      "gid" : 20,         // The GID of the MySystemApp service is 20.
      "once" : 0,         // Not a one-off process of the MySystemApp service. If MySystemApp exits, the init process needs to restart it.
      "importance" : 0,    // Not a key system process of the MySystemApp service. If MySystemApp exits, the init process does not need to restart the development board.
      "caps" : []           // Do not perform capability-related operations because capabilities are not required by the MySystemApp service.
      "start-mode" : "condition",
      "critical": [1, 2, 10],   // Configure the critical field for MySystemApp system services. You need to pass three parameters, wherein, 1 means to enable system restarting, 2 means the number of times the critical service is restarted, and 10 means the time within which the critical service is restarted.
      "cpucore" : [0, 1],  // The device has two cores and both of them are bound to the CPU.
      "apl" : "system_core",
      "d-caps" : ["OHOS_DMS"],
      "jobs" : {
          "on-boot" : "boot",
          "on-start" : "services:MySystemApp_start",
          "on-stop" : "services:MySystemApp_stop",
          "on-restart" : "services:MySystemApp_restart"

After the configuration is complete, compile the package to burn the board.

  1. Run the task -a command for liteos-a or ps for Linux to check whether the MySystemApp service process is started.

  2. Run the kill command to kill the MySystemApp process, and verify that the process will be restarted.

  3. Run the kill command to kill the MySystemApp process, and verify that the development board will not be restarted.


Service Not Exist


"Failed get servName" is printed in the kernel log.

Cause Analysis

The kernel log is printed by the init process. After a code review on the init process, it is found that the service does not exist.


  1. Check whether the service is correctly configured in the .cfg file.

  2. Check whether the .cfg file of the service is loaded normally.

  3. Check whether the format of the .cfg file is correct.

Requesting fd Proxy for Other Services Failed


"Service ' xxx '(pid = xxx) is not valid or request with unexpected process(pid = xxx)" is printed in the kernel log.

Cause Analysis

The kernel log is printed by the init process. After a code review on the init process, it is found that fd proxy is requested for other services.


Request fd proxy for the current service, but not other services.

No ondemand Configuration


"service: %s had started already" is printed in the kernel log.

Cause Analysis

The kernel log is printed by the init process. After a code review on the init process, it is found that ondemand is not configured for the service.


Correct the service configuration in the .cfg file as follows: "ondemand" : true