
icon-note.gif NOTE This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

The <Tabs> component is a container component that allows users to switch between content views through tabs. Each tab page corresponds to a content view.

Required Permissions


Child Components

The <Tabs> component can contain TabContent child components.


Tabs(value: {barPosition?: BarPosition, index?: number, controller?: TabsController})

  • Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
barPosition BarPosition No BarPosition.Start Tab bar position for creating the <Tabs> container component.
index number No 0 Initial tab index.
controller TabsController No - Tab controller.
  • BarPosition enums
Name Description
Start If the vertical attribute is set to true, the tab is on the left of the container. If the vertical attribute is set to false, the tab is on the top of the container.
End If the vertical attribute is set to true, the tab is on the right of the container. If the vertical attribute is set to false, the tab is at the bottom of the container.


Touch target configuration is not supported.

Name Type Default Value Description
vertical boolean false Whether a tab is a vertical tab.
scrollable boolean true Whether page switching can be performed by swiping left or right.
barMode BarMode - Tab bar layout mode.
barWidth number - Width of the tab bar. If this parameter is not set, the default value in the system theme is used.
barHeight number - Height of the tab bar. If this parameter is not set, the default value in the system theme is used.
animationDuration number 200 Animation duration of the tab content.
  • BarMode enums
Name Description
Scrollable The actual layout width of the tab bar is used. If the actual width exceeds the total length, the tab bar is scrollable.
Fixed The widths of all tab bars are evenly allocated.


Name Description
onChange(callback: (index: number) => void) Event triggered when a tab is switched.


Defines a tab controller, which is used to control switching of tabs.

Objects to Import

controller: TabsController = new TabsController()


changeIndex(value: number): void

Switches to the specified tab.

  • Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
value number Yes - Index of a tab. The value starts from 0.


struct TabsExample {
  private controller: TabsController = new TabsController()

  build() {
    Column() {
      Tabs({ barPosition: BarPosition.Start, controller: this.controller }) {
        TabContent() {

        TabContent() {

        TabContent() {

        TabContent() {
      .onChange((index: number) => {
    }.width('100%').height(150).margin({ top: 5 })
