Sensor Development

When to Use

  • Data provided by the compass sensor denotes the current orientation of the user device, which helps your application accurately navigate for the user.

  • Data provided by the proximity sensor denotes the distance between the device and a visible object, which enables the device to automatically turn on or off its screen accordingly to prevent accidental touch on the screen.

  • Data provided by the barometer sensor helps your application accurately determine the altitude of the device.

  • Data provided by the ambient light sensor helps your device automatically adjust its backlight.

  • Data provided by the Hall effect sensor implements the smart cover mode of your device.

  • Data provided by the heart rate sensor helps your application track the heart health of a user.

  • Data provided by the pedometer sensor helps your application obtain the number of steps a user has walked.

  • Data provided by the wear detection sensor helps your application detect whether a user is wearing a wearable device.

Available APIs

Module API Description
ohos.sensor sensor.on(sensorType, callback:AsyncCallback<Response>): void Subscribes to data changes of a type of sensor.
ohos.sensor sensor.once(sensorType, callback:AsyncCallback<Response>): void Subscribes to only one data change of a type of sensor.
ohos.sensor, callback:AsyncCallback<void>): void Unsubscribes from sensor data changes.

How to Develop

  1. To obtain data from a type of sensor, configure the requested permissions in the config.json file.

          "ability": ["sensor.index.MainAbility",".MainAbility"],
          "ability": ["sensor.index.MainAbility",".MainAbility"],
          "ability": ["sensor.index.MainAbility",".MainAbility"],
          "ability": ["sensor.index.MainAbility",".MainAbility"],
  2. Subscribe to data changes of a type of sensor.

    import sensor from "@ohos.sensor"
 "Subscription succeeded. data = "+ data); // The call is successful, and the obtained sensor data is printed.

    The following figure shows the successful call result when SensorType is SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER.


  3. Unsubscribe from sensor data changes.

    import sensor from "@ohos.sensor",function() {"Succeeded in unsubscribing from acceleration sensor data."); // The unsubscription is successful, and the result is printed.

    The following figure shows the successful call result when SensorType is SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER.


  4. Subscribe to only one data change of a type of sensor.

    import sensor from "@ohos.sensor"
    sensor.once(sensor.sensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER,function(data) {
  "Data obtained successfully. data=" + data); // The call is successful, and the obtained sensor data is printed.

    The following figure shows the successful call result when SensorType is SENSOR_TYPE_ID_ACCELEROMETER.


    If the API fails to be called, you are advised to use the try/catch statement to capture error information that may occur in the code. Example:

    try {
      sensor.once(sensor.sensorType.SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER,function(data) {
"Data obtained successfully. data=" + data); // The call is successful, and the obtained sensor data is printed.
    } catch (error) {


The following sample is provided to help you better understand how to develop sensors: