Mouse Event

icon-note.gif NOTE This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

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Name Bubble Supported Description
onHover(callback: (isHover: boolean) => void) No Triggered when the mouse cursor enters or leaves the component.
isHover: whether the mouse cursor hovers over the component. The value true means that the mouse cursor enters the component, and the value false means that the mouse cursor leaves the component.
onMouse(callback: (event?: MouseEvent) => void) Yes Triggered when the component is clicked by a mouse button or the mouse cursor moves on the component. The event parameter indicates the timestamp, mouse button, action, coordinates of the clicked point on the entire screen, and coordinates of the clicked point relative to the component when the event is triggered.


  • Attributes
Name Type Description
timestamp number Timestamp when the event is triggered.
screenX number X-coordinate of the clicked point relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
screenY number Y-coordinate of the clicked point relative to the upper left corner of the screen.
x number X-coordinate of the clicked point relative to the upper left corner of the component.
y number Y-coordinate of the clicked point relative to the upper left corner of the component.
button MouseButton Mouse button.
action MouseAction Event action.
  • MouseButton attributes
Name Type Description
Left number Left mouse button.
Right number Right mouse button.
Middle number Middle mouse button.
Back number Back button on the left of the mouse.
Forward number Forward button on the left of the mouse.
None number No button.
  • MouseAction attributes
Name Type Description
Press number The mouse button is pressed.
Release number The mouse button is released.
Move number The mouse cursor moves.


struct MouseEventExample {
  @State hoverText: string = 'no hover'
  @State mouseText: string = 'MouseText'
  @State color: Color = Color.Blue

  build() {
    Column({ space:20 }) {
        .onHover((isHover: boolean) => {
          if (isHover) {
            this.hoverText = 'on hover'
            this.color = Color.Pink
          } else {
            this.hoverText = 'no hover'
            this.color = Color.Blue
        .onMouse((event: MouseEvent) => {
          console.log(this.mouseText = 'onMouse:\nButton = ' + event.button + 
          '\nAction = ' + event.action + '\nlocalXY=(' + event.x + ',' + event.y + ')' + 
          '\nscreenXY=(' + event.screenX + ',' + event.screenY + ')')
    }.padding({ top: 20 }).width('100%')