Component ID

icon-note.gif NOTE This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Required Permissions



Name Type Default Value Description
id string '' Unique ID of the component. The uniqueness is ensured by the user.



getInspectorByKey(id: string): string

Obtains all attributes of the component with the specified ID, excluding the information about child components.

  • Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
id string Yes - ID of the component whose attributes are to be obtained.
  • Return value
Type Description
string JSON string of the component attribute list.


sendEventByKey(id: string, action: number, params: string): boolean

Sends an event to the component with the specified ID.

  • Parameters
Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
id string Yes - ID of the component for which the event is to be sent.
action number Yes - Type of the event to be sent. The options are as follows:
- Click event: 10.
- LongClick: 11.
params string Yes - Event parameters. If there is no parameter, pass an empty string "".
  • Return value
Type Description
boolean Returns false if the component with the specified ID cannot be found; returns true otherwise.


struct IdExample {
  build() {
    Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center }) {
      Button() {
        top: 20
      }).onClick(() => {"click"))
        setTimeout(() => {
          sendEventByKey("longclick", 11, "")
        }, 2000)

      Button() {
        top: 20
        LongPressGesture().onActionEnd(() => {
'long clicked')