Encryption Algorithm

icon-note.gif Note:

  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 3. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
  • This API is defined but not implemented in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release. It will be available for use in OpenHarmony 3.1 MR.

Modules to Import

import cipher from '@system.cipher'


rsa(Object): void

Encrypts or decrypts data using RSA.

System capability: SystemCapability.Security.Cipher


Name Type Mandatory Description
action string Yes Action type. The options are as follows:
1. encrypt: Encrypts data.
2. decrypt: Decrypts data.
text string Yes Text content to be encrypted or decrypted. The text to be encrypted must be a common text and cannot exceed the length calculated based on the formula (keySize/8 - 66). keySize indicates the key length. For example, if the key length is 1024 bytes, the text cannot exceed 62 bytes (1024/8 - 66 = 62). The text content to be decrypted must be a binary value encoded using Base64. The default format is used for Base64 encoding.
key string Yes Keys encrypted using RSA. During encryption, this parameter is a public key. During decryption, it is a private key.
transformation string No RSA algorithm padding. The default value is RSA/None/OAEPWithSHA256AndMGF1Padding.
success Function No Called when data is encrypted or decrypted successfully.
fail Function No Called when data fails to be encrypted or decrypted.
complete Function No Called when the execution is complete.


export default {    
  rsa() {        
  // Encrypt data.
      action: 'encrypt',            
  // Text content to be encrypted
      text: 'hello',            
  // Base64-encoded public key used for encryption
        'MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDc7GR2MrfAoefES+wrs1ns2afT\n' +            
        'eJXSfIkEHfPXG9fVFjaws1ho4KcZfsxlA0+SXvc83f2SVGCuzULmM2lxxRCtcUN/\n' +            
        'h7SoaYEeluhqFimL2AEjfSwINHCLqObJkcjCfoZpE1JCehPiDOJsyT50Auc08h/4\n' +            
        success: function(data) {                
          console.log('handling success: ${data.text}');            
        fail: function(data, code) {               
          console.log(`### cipher.rsa encrypt fail ### ${code}: ${data}`);           
  // Decrypt data.
        action: 'decrypt',            
  // The text to be decrypted is a Base64-encoded binary value, and the decrypted text is "hello".
          'CUg3tTxTIdpCfreIxIBdws3uhd5qXLwcrVl3XDnQzZFVHyjVVCDHS16rjopaZ4C5xU2Tc8mSDzt7\n' +            
          'gp9vBfSwi7bMtSUvXG18DlncsKJFDkJpS5t0PkpS9YrJXrY80Gpe+ME6+6dN9bjgqMljbitDdBRf\n' +            
  // Base64-encoded public key used for encryption
           'MIICdwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmEwggJdAgEAAoGBANzsZHYyt8Ch58RL\n' +            
           '7CuzWezZp9N4ldJ8iQQd89cb19UWNrCzWGjgpxl+zGUDT5Je9zzd/ZJUYK7NQuYz\n' +            
           'aXHFEK1xQ3+HtKhpgR6W6GoWKYvYASN9LAg0cIuo5smRyMJ+hmkTUkJ6E+IM4mzJ\n' +            
           'PnQC5zTyH/iMdB9qfILWdzrYupQJAgMBAAECgYEAkibhH0DWR13U0gvYJeD08Lfd\n' +            
           'Sw1PMHyquEqIcho9Yv7bF3LOXjOg2EEGPx09mvuwXFgP1Kp1e67XPytr6pQQPzK7\n' +            
           'XAPcLPx80R/ZjZs8vNFndDOd1HgD3vSVmYQarNzmKi72tOUWMPevsaFXPHo6Xx3X\n' +            
           '8x0wYb7XuBsQguRctTECQQD7GWX3JUiyo562iVrpTDPOXsrUxmzCrgz2OZildxMd\n' +            
           'Pp/PkyDrx7mEXTpk4K/XnQJ3GpJNi2iDSxDuPSAeJ/aPAkEA4Tw4+1Z43S/xH3C3\n' +            
           'nfulYBNyB4si6KEUuC0krcC1pDJ21Gd12efKo5VF8SaJI1ZUQOzguV+dqNsB/JUY\n' +            
           'OFfX5wJAB1dKv9r7MR3Peg6x9bggm5vx2h6i914XSuuMJupASM6X5X2rrLj+F3yS\n' +            
           'RHi9K1SPyeOg+1tkBtKfABgRZFBOyQJAbuTivUSe73AqTKuHjB4ZF0ubqgEkJ9sf\n' +            
           'Q2rekzm9dOFvxjZGPQo1qALX09qATMi1ZN376ukby8ZAnSafLSZ64wJBAM2V37go\n' +            
           'Sj44HF76ksRow8gecuQm48NCTGAGTicXg8riKog2GC9y8pMNHAezoR9wXJF7kk+k\n' +            
           success: function(data) {                
             console.log('handling success: ${data.text}');            
           fail: function(data, code) {                
             console.log(`### cipher.rsa decrypt fail ### ${code}: ${data}`);            


aes(Object): void

Encrypts or decrypts data using AES.

System capability: SystemCapability.Security.Cipher


Name Type Mandatory Description
action string Yes Action type. The options are as follows:
1. encrypt: Encrypts data.
2. decrypt: Decrypts data.
text string Yes Text content to be encrypted or decrypted. The text to be encrypted must be a common text. The text content to be decrypted must be a binary value encoded using Base64. The default format is used for Base64 encoding.
key string Yes Key used for encryption or decryption, which is a character string encrypted using Base64.
transformation string No Encryption mode and padding of the AES algorithm. The default value is AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding.
iv string No Initial vector for AES-based encryption and decryption. The value is a character string encoded using Base64. The default value is the key value.
ivOffset string No Offset of the initial vector for AES-based encryption and decryption. The default value is 0.
ivLen string No Length of the initial vector for AES-based encryption and decryption. The default value is 16.
success Function No Called when data is encrypted or decrypted successfully.
fail Function No Called when data fails to be encrypted or decrypted.
complete Function No Called when the execution is complete.


export default {    
  aes() {        
  // Encrypt data.
      action: 'encrypt',            
  // Text content to be encrypted
      text: 'hello',            
  // Base64-encoded key used for encryption
      key: 'NDM5Qjk2UjAzMEE0NzVCRjlFMkQwQkVGOFc1NkM1QkQ=',            
      transformation: 'AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding',            
      ivOffset: 0,            
      ivLen: 16,            
      success: (data) => {                
        console.log('handling success: ${data.text}');            
      fail: (data, code) => {                
        console.log(`### cipher.aes encrypt fail ### ${code}: ${data}`);            
  // Decrypt data.
      action: 'decrypt',            
  // Text to be decrypted, which is a Base64-encoded binary value
      text: 'CUg3tTxTIdpCfreIxIBdws3uhd5qXLwcrVl3XDnQzZFVHyjVVCDHS16rjopaZ4C5xU2Tc8mSDzt7\n' +            
      'gp9vBfSwi7bMtSUvXG18DlncsKJFDkJpS5t0PkpS9YrJXrY80Gpe+ME6+6dN9bjgqMljbitDdBRf\n' +            
  // Base64-encoded key used for decryption
       key: 'NDM5Qjk2UjAzMEE0NzVCRjlFMkQwQkVGOFc1NkM1QkQ=',            
       transformation: 'AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding',            
       ivOffset: 0,            
       ivLen: 16,            
       success: (data) => {                
         this.dealTxt = data.text;            
       fail: (data, code) => {               
           message: (`### cipher.aes decrypt fail ### code = ${code}: ${data}`)                