Drag/Drop Event

icon-note.gif NOTE This component is supported since API version 8. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Name Bubble Supported Description
onDragStart(callback: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) =>|Custom Builder) No Triggered when the component bound to the event is dragged for the first time.
-event: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.
-extraParams: additional information about the drag event. For details, see extraParam.
Return value: object being dragged, which is used for prompts displayed when the object is dragged.
> icon-note.gif NOTE
> - A drag event can be triggered by a 150 ms long press.
> - If the duration of a long-press gesture is set to less than or equal to 150 ms, the callback for the long-press gesture takes precedence. Otherwise, the callback for the drag event takes precedence.
onDragEnter(callback: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void) No Triggered when the dragged item enters a valid drop target.
-event: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.
-extraParams: additional information about the drag event. For details, see extraParam.
> icon-note.gif NOTE
> This event is valid only when the onDrop event is listened to.
onDragMove(callback: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void) No Triggered when the dragged item moves in a valid drop target.
-event: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.
-extraParams: additional information about the drag event. For details, see extraParam.
> icon-note.gif NOTE
> This event is valid only when the onDrop event is listened to.
onDragLeave(callback: (event: DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void) No Triggered when the dragged item leaves a valid drop target.
-event: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.
-extraParams: additional information about the drag event. For details, see extraParam.
> icon-note.gif NOTE
> This event is valid only when the onDrop event is listened to.
onDrop(callback: (event:DragEvent, extraParams?: string) => void) No Triggered when the dragged item is dropped on a valid drop target.
-event: information about the drag event, including the coordinates of the item that is being dragged.
-extraParams: additional information about the drag event. For details, see extraParam.
  • extraParam Returns additional information required for dragging an item.

    extraParam is a string converted from a JSON object. You can obtain the following attributes using the JSON object converted from Json.parse.

Name Type Description
selectedIndex number Index of the dragged item in the parent container. The value of selectedindex starts from 0.
> icon-note.gif NOTE
> This attribute is valid only in the ListItem component.
insertIndex number Index of the element into which the dragged item is dropped in the List component. The value of insertIndex starts from 0.
> icon-note.gif NOTE
> This attribute is valid only in the drag event of the List component.


  • APIs
Name Return Value Type Description
getX() number X-coordinate of the item that is being dragged, in vp.
getY() number Y-coordinate of the item that is being dragged, in vp.


struct DragExample {
  @State numbers: string[] = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six']
  @State text: string = ''
  @State bool: boolean = false
  @State bool1: boolean = false
  @State size: string = ''
  @State appleVisible: Visibility = Visibility.Visible
  @State orangeVisible: Visibility = Visibility.Visible
  @State bananaVisible: Visibility = Visibility.Visible
  @State select: number = 0
  @State currentIndex: number = 0

  @Builder pixelMapBuilder() {
    Column() {

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text('There are three Text elements here')
      Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Row, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround }) {
          .onDragStart(() => {
            this.bool = true
            this.text = 'apple'
            this.appleVisible = Visibility.Hidden
            return this.pixelMapBuilder
          .onDragStart(() => {
            this.bool = true
            this.text = 'orange'
            this.orangeVisible = Visibility.Hidden
            return this.pixelMapBuilder
          .onDragStart((event: DragEvent, extraParams: string) => {
            console.log('Text onDragStarts, ' + extraParams)
            this.bool = true
            this.text = 'banana'
            this.bananaVisible = Visibility.Hidden
            return this.pixelMapBuilder
      }.border({ width: 1 }).width('90%').padding({ top: 10, bottom: 10 }).margin(10)

      Text('This is a List element').fontSize(12)
      List({ space: 20, initialIndex: 0 }) {
        ForEach(this.numbers, (item) => {
          ListItem() {
            Text('' + item)
          .onDragStart((event: DragEvent, extraParams: string) => {
            console.log('ListItem onDragStarts, ' + extraParams)
            var jsonString = JSON.parse(extraParams)
            this.bool1 = true
            this.text = this.numbers[jsonString.selectedIndex]
            this.select = jsonString.selectedIndex
            return this.pixelMapBuilder
        }, item => item)
      .height('50%').width('90%').border({ width: 1 })
      .divider({ strokeWidth: 2, color: 0xFFFFFF, startMargin: 20, endMargin: 20 })
      .onDragEnter((event: DragEvent, extraParams: string) => {
        console.log('List onDragEnter, ' + extraParams)
      .onDragMove((event: DragEvent, extraParams: string) => {
        console.log('List onDragMove, ' + extraParams)
      .onDragLeave((event: DragEvent, extraParams: string) => {
        console.log('List onDragLeave, ' + extraParams)
      .onDrop((event: DragEvent, extraParams: string) => {
        var jsonString = JSON.parse(extraParams)
        if (this.bool) {
          this.numbers.splice(jsonString.insertIndex, 0, this.text)
          this.bool = false
        } else if (this.bool1) {
          this.numbers.splice(jsonString.selectedIndex, 1)
          this.numbers.splice(jsonString.insertIndex, 0, this.text)
          this.bool = false
          this.bool1 = false
    }.width('100%').height('100%').padding({ top: 20 }).margin({ top: 20 })
