
icon-note.gif NOTE The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Provides ability running information.


The ability running information is obtained by using the getAbilityRunningInfos API in abilityManager.

import abilitymanager from '@ohos.application.abilityManager';
abilitymanager.getAbilityRunningInfos((err,data) => { 
    console.log("getAbilityRunningInfos err: "  + err + " data: " + JSON.stringify(data));


System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core

Name Type Readable Writable Description
ability ElementName Yes No Information that matches an ability.
pid number Yes No Process ID.
uid number Yes No User ID.
processName string Yes No Process name.
startTime number Yes No Ability start time.
abilityState abilityManager.AbilityState Yes No Ability state.


Enumerates the ability states.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core

Name Value Description
INITIAL 0 The ability is in the initial state.
FOREGROUND 9 The ability is in the foreground state.
BACKGROUND 10 The ability is in the background state.
FOREGROUNDING 11 The ability is in the foregrounding state.
BACKGROUNDING 12 The ability is in the backgrounding state.