JS API Changes of the USB Subsystem

The table below lists the APIs changes of the USB subsystem in OpenHarmony 3.1 Release over OpenHarmony 3.0 LTS.

API Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enumeration/Constant Change Type
ohos.usb USBRequestDirection USB_REQUEST_DIR_FROM_DEVICE = 0x80 Added
ohos.usb USBRequestDirection USB_REQUEST_DIR_TO_DEVICE = 0 Added
ohos.usb USBControlRequestType USB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR Added
ohos.usb USBControlRequestType USB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS Added
ohos.usb USBControlRequestType USB_REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD = 0 Added
ohos.usb USBRequestTargetType USB_REQUEST_TARGET_OTHER Added
ohos.usb USBRequestTargetType USB_REQUEST_TARGET_ENDPOINT Added
ohos.usb USBRequestTargetType USB_REQUEST_TARGET_INTERFACE Added
ohos.usb USBRequestTargetType USB_REQUEST_TARGET_DEVICE = 0 Added
ohos.usb USBControlParams data: Uint8Array; Added
ohos.usb USBControlParams index: number; Added
ohos.usb USBControlParams value: number; Added
ohos.usb USBControlParams reqType: USBControlRequestType; Added
ohos.usb USBControlParams target: USBRequestTargetType; Added
ohos.usb USBControlParams request: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevicePipe devAddress: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevicePipe busNum: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice configs: Array; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice protocol: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice subClass: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice clazz: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice productId: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice vendorId: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice version: string; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice productName: string; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice manufacturerName: string; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice name: string; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice serial: string; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice devAddress: number; Added
ohos.usb USBDevice busNum: number; Added
ohos.usb USBConfig interfaces: Array; Added
ohos.usb USBConfig isSelfPowered: boolean; Added
ohos.usb USBConfig isRemoteWakeup: boolean; Added
ohos.usb USBConfig name: string; Added
ohos.usb USBConfig maxPower: number; Added
ohos.usb USBConfig attributes: number; Added
ohos.usb USBConfig id: number; Added
ohos.usb USBInterface endpoints: Array; Added
ohos.usb USBInterface name: string; Added
ohos.usb USBInterface alternateSetting: number; Added
ohos.usb USBInterface subClass: number; Added
ohos.usb USBInterface clazz: number; Added
ohos.usb USBInterface protocol: number; Added
ohos.usb USBInterface id: number; Added
ohos.usb USBEndpoint interfaceId: number; Added
ohos.usb USBEndpoint type: number; Added
ohos.usb USBEndpoint number: number; Added
ohos.usb USBEndpoint direction: USBRequestDirection; Added
ohos.usb USBEndpoint maxPacketSize: number; Added
ohos.usb USBEndpoint interval: number; Added
ohos.usb USBEndpoint attributes: number; Added
ohos.usb USBEndpoint address: number; Added
ohos.usb usb function closePipe(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number; Added
ohos.usb usb function bulkTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, endpoint: USBEndpoint, buffer: Uint8Array,timeout?: number): Promise; Added
ohos.usb usb function controlTransfer(pipe: USBDevicePipe, contrlparam: USBControlParams, timeout?: number): Promise; Added
ohos.usb usb function getFileDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): number; Added
ohos.usb usb function getRawDescriptor(pipe: USBDevicePipe): Uint8Array; Added
ohos.usb usb function setInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number; Added
ohos.usb usb function setConfiguration(pipe: USBDevicePipe, config: USBConfig): number; Added
ohos.usb usb function releaseInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface): number; Added
ohos.usb usb function claimInterface(pipe: USBDevicePipe, iface: USBInterface, force?: boolean): number; Added
ohos.usb usb function requestRight(deviceName: string): Promise; Added
ohos.usb usb function hasRight(deviceName: string): boolean; Added
ohos.usb usb function connectDevice(device: USBDevice): Readonly; Added
ohos.usb usb function getDevices(): Array<Readonly>; Added