HiSysEvent Logging



HiSysEvent provides event logging APIs for OpenHarmony to record important information of key processes during system running, helping you locate faults. In addition, you can upload the log data to the cloud for big data analytics.


Before logging system events, you need to configure HiSysEvent logging. For details, see HiSysEvent Logging Configuration.

Development Guidelines

Available APIs

The following table lists the C++ APIs provided by the HiSysEvent class.

For details about the HiSysEvent class, see the API reference.

Table 1 C++ APIs provided by HiSysEvent

API Description
template<typename... Types> static int Write(const std::string &domain, const std::string &eventName, EventType type, Types... keyValues) Logs system events.

Input arguments:
  • domain: Indicates the domain related to the event. You can use a preconfigured domain or customize a domain as needed. The name of a custom domain can contain a maximum of 16 characters, including digits (0-9) and uppercase letters (A-Z). It must start with a letter.
  • eventName: Indicates the event name. The value contains a maximum of 32 characters, including digits (0 to 9), letters (A-Z), and underscores (_). It must start with a letter and cannot end with an underscore.
  • type: Indicates the event type. For details, see EventType.
  • keyValues: Indicates the key-value pairs of event parameters. It can be in the format of the basic data type, std::string, std::vector<basic data type>, or std:vector<std::string>. The value contains a maximum of 48 characters, including digits (0 to 9), letters (A-Z), and underscores (_). It must start with a letter and cannot end with an underscore. The number of parameter names cannot exceed 32.
Return value:
  • 0: The logging is successful.
  • Negative value: The logging has failed.

Table 2 Description of HiSysEvent::Domain APIs

API Description
static const std::string AAFWK Atomic ability subsystem
static const std::string APPEXECFWK User program framework subsystem
static const std::string ACCOUNT Account subsystem
static const std::string ACE JS application framework
static const std::string AI AI subsystem
static const std::string BARRIER_FREE Accessibility subsystem
static const std::string BIOMETRICS Biometric recognition subsystem
static const std::string CCRUNTIME C/C++ operating environment subsystem
static const std::string COMMUNICATION Public communication subsystem
static const std::string DEVELOPTOOLS Development toolchain subsystem
static const std::string DISTRIBUTED_DATAMGR Distributed data management subsystem
static const std::string DISTRIBUTED_SCHEDULE Distributed Scheduler subsystem
static const std::string GLOBAL Globalization subsystem
static const std::string GRAPHIC Graphics subsystem
static const std::string HIVIEWDFX DFX subsystem
static const std::string IAWARE Scheduling and resource management subsystem
static const std::string INTELLI_ACCESSORIES Smart accessory subsystem
static const std::string INTELLI_TV Smart TV subsystem
static const std::string IVI_HARDWARE IVI-dedicated hardware subsystem
static const std::string LOCATION LBS subsystem
static const std::string MSDP MSDP subsystem
static const std::string MULTI_MEDIA Media subsystem
static const std::string MULTI_MODAL_INPUT Multimode input subsystem
static const std::string NOTIFICATION Common event and notification subsystem
static const std::string POWERMGR Power management subsystem
static const std::string ROUTER Router subsystem
static const std::string SECURITY Security subsystem
static const std::string SENSORS Pan-sensor subsystem
static const std::string SOURCE_CODE_TRANSFORMER Application porting subsystem
static const std::string STARTUP Startup subsystem
static const std::string TELEPHONY Telephony subsystem
static const std::string UPDATE Update subsystem
static const std::string USB USB subsystem
static const std::string WEARABLE_HARDWARE Wearable-dedicated hardware subsystem
static const std::string WEARABLE_HARDWARE Wearable-dedicated service subsystem
static const std::string OTHERS Others

Table 3 Description of HiSysEvent::EventType

Name Description
FAULT Fault event
STATISTIC Statistical event
SECURITY Security event
BEHAVIOR System behavior event

Development Example


  1. Develop the source code.

    Include the HiSysEvent header file in the class definition header file or class implementation source file. For example:

    #include "hisysevent.h"

    Add the event logging code. For example, if you want to log events specific to the app start time (start_app), then add the following code to the service implementation source file:

    HiSysEvent::Write(HiSysEvent::Domain::AAFWK, "start_app", HiSysEvent::EventType::FAULT, "app_name", "com.demo");
  2. Configure compilation information. Specifically, add the subsystem SDK dependency to BUILD.gn.

    external_deps = [ "hisysevent_native:libhisysevent" ]