AccessibilityExtensionAbility Development

The AccessibilityExtensionAbility module provides accessibility extension capabilities based on the ExtensionAbility framework. You can develop your accessibility applications by applying the AccessibilityExtensionAbility template to enhance usability.

Environment Requirements

IDE: DevEco Studio 3.0 Beta3 ( or later

SDK: API version 9 or later

Model: stage

This document is organized as follows:

Creating an Accessibility Extension Service

You can create an accessibility extension service by creating a project from scratch or adding the service to an existing project.

Creating a Project

Perform the following steps in DevEco Studio:

  1. From the upper left corner of DevEco Studio, choose File > New > Create Project.
  2. By following the project creation wizard, click the OpenHarmony tab, select the Empty Ability template, and then click Next.
  3. Set Project type to Application, Compile API (or Compile SDK, depending on the version used) to 9, and Model to Stage, and then click Finish.

Creating an AccessibilityExtAbility File

To add an accessibility extension service to a project, create the AccessibilityExtAbility folder in the ets folder of the project, create the AccessibilityExtAbility.ts file in the new folder, and add the following code to the new file:

import AccessibilityExtensionAbility from '@ohos.application.AccessibilityExtensionAbility';

class AccessibilityExtAbility extends AccessibilityExtensionAbility {
    onConnect() {
        console.log('AccessibilityExtAbility onConnect');

    onDisconnect() {
        console.log('AccessibilityExtAbility onDisconnect');

    onAccessibilityEvent(accessibilityEvent) {
        console.log('AccessibilityExtAbility onAccessibilityEvent: ' + JSON.stringify(accessibilityEvent));

export default AccessibilityExtAbility;

The APIs defined in the file are as follows.

API Description
onConnect(): void Called when a connection with the extension service is set up.
onDisconnect(): void Called when the connection with the extension service is severed.
onAccessibilityEvent(event: AccessibilityEvent): void Called when an accessibility event occurs

Processing an Accessibility Event

You can process the service logic for accessibility events in the onAccessibilityEvent() API. For details about the events, see AccessibilityEvent. The following code snippet uses the pageStateUpdate event as an example.

onAccessibilityEvent(accessibilityEvent) {
    console.log('AccessibilityExtAbility onAccessibilityEvent: ' + JSON.stringify(accessibilityEvent));
    if (accessibilityEvent.eventType === 'pageStateUpdate') {
        console.log('AccessibilityExtAbility onAccessibilityEvent: pageStateUpdate');
        // TODO: Develop custom logic.

For an accessibility event, you can use the APIs of the AccessibilityExtensionContext module to configure the concerned information, obtain root information, and inject gestures.

You can also process physical key events in the accessibility extension service. For details, see onKeyEvent.

Declaring Capabilities of Accessibility Extension Services

After developing the custom logic for an accessibility extension service, you must add the configuration information of the service to the corresponding module-level module.json5 file in the project directory. In the file, the srcEntry tag indicates the path to the accessibility extension service. Make sure the value of the type tag is fixed at accessibility. Otherwise, the connection to the service will fail.

"extensionAbilities": [
    "name": "AccessibilityExtAbility",
    "srcEntry": "./ets/AccessibilityExtAbility/AccessibilityExtAbility.ts",
    "label": "$string:MainAbility_label",
    "description": "$string:MainAbility_desc",
    "type": "accessibility",
    "metadata": [
        "name": "ohos.accessibleability",
        "resource": "$profile:accessibility_config"

accessibility_config is the specific configuration of the accessibility extension service. You need to create the accessibility_config.json file in resources/base/profile/ and declare the capabilities of the service in the file.

  "accessibilityCapabilities": [

Enabling a Custom Accessibility Extension Service

To enable or disable an accessibility extension service, run the following command:

  • To enable the service: accessibility enable -a AccessibilityExtAbility -b com.example.demo -c rg
  • To disable the service: accessibility disable -a AccessibilityExtAbility -b com.example.demo

In the preceding commands, AccessibilityExtAbility indicates the name of the accessibility extension service, com.example.demo indicates the bundle name, and rg indicates the capabilities (r is short for retrieve).

If the service is enabled or disabled successfully, the message "enable ability successfully" or "disable ability successfully" is displayed.